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Re: Nice PC Balancing Program

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jan 10 2011 10:11 AM (33 replies)
  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Fri, Jan 7 2011 3:36 PM


    ... or some other way to get windows to remember a priority or affinity settings, so that it is configured automatically at the time the program is run?

    Until SA answers, you can try what I do...

    I've modified the "target" line of a shortcut that I used to use, to get to the game client:

    C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start /AFFINITY 1 C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

    *there's a "space" after the numeral "1"

    * I run Vista 64 and my game browser is Chrome (obviously).

    With a simple double-click, the desktop shortcut opens Chrome while the cmd line sets affinity for Chrome at one core ( "0" ), after which the game client window opens, and automatically logs me into WGT. Nice part about it is that it "remembers" all this so just a double-click is all it takes to restart the game client.

    This comes in handy when my cache gets filled and I've gotta close out the browser and re-enter the game client window.

    As long as your filepaths are similar to mine, it should be easy to substitute yours into the above shortcut's target line. Pay special attention to the spaces in the line. Be careful not to omit them.

    I should mention that there is a very brief "flash" (<1sec) on the screen while the cmd is loading, after clicking the shortcut.

    I'd also be interested in hearing of other ways.

    GL  :)

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Fri, Jan 7 2011 3:43 PM


    but that program does exactly the same thing as what Windows OS already does.... just makes it more intuitive is all....  for any retard that can click a mouse if you will..


    Just what I was waiting to read... lol... I might give it a go after all! ;)

    ... ty for the link, TMPC.


  • SicAudio
    6 Posts
    Fri, Jan 7 2011 7:54 PM

    if you are familiar with registry editing then yes it will always remember just by modifying the key enumerator values for it, however... editing the registry can be dangerous


    the cmd line shortcut above is a great way to do it also..


    back when dos was still used for some games ( warcraft, doom, ect.. )  you made a dos batch file to launch the game with set parameters in the same fashion.


    I also do it for specific resolution settings for older games that do not have widescreen resoultions and it will force it to run at any res i want ;)




    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology\aomx.exe" xres=2066 yres=1668


    is what i use for AOM on my 24" screen..

  • Jaskor
    1 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2011 10:11 AM

    I learned that you guys like trying to see who's hard drive is bigger. WoW. ( and I dont mean World of Warcraft )