been a software engineer or in the IT field my entire life TMPC, well over 27 years...
I work at HP in Fort collins Colorado...
you are correct that a 3rd party program can do it easily and "most" of the time it is safe, but that program does exactly the same thing as what Windows OS already does....
it just makes it more intuitive is all.... for any retard that can click a mouse if you will..
so far all I have seen ( while your idea had merit the delivery when questioned was severely juvenile ) is alot of chest thumping from a wanna be " engineer"
so go back and look at the source coding of your lil' "3rd party" app and tell me it is any dif than I said...
Windows does the exact same thing .... it allocates and prioritizes the request to fill a cache with bits of DATA and you can manually change it very simply with a lil reading w/o jeopardizing the safety of your computer to a 3rd party DL that may or may not have adverse effects on your PC...