I even loose 2 games tonight without a single hit
Thank you wgt
Edit : and now my opponents can't return in time on hole 3
The good thing we play 2 holes and an halve
just playing and wgt kicked me out twice and had to go out once so could not return this game has sucked for the last month with loading.How can we improve our status like this
Is there a reason for 3 & out??
I totally agree sometimes we get 2 disconnects before we finis the first hole this is crap and happens all the time why doesnt it happen during cc events take the time and fix it or simply due away with it
my net is fine dont even go there
Bottom line is wgt could care less what you think. I agree with you 100% though. To lose a game and not being your fault stinks.
It's wgt problem with the disconnects, it happens to often so many times to people for it to be their fault. Why don't you tell the people what your perfect internet is since you have no problems?? Yeah right !!!