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Poll: Get rid of the "three disconnect rule" in multiplayer

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 23 2016 4:19 AM (36 replies)
  • JazzX
    19 Posts
    Thu, Oct 15 2015 9:40 PM

    Do you agree that the three timeout rule is ridiculous and stupid?




    [poster has disconnected three times, YOU WON!]




    But seriously - YET AGAIN, I've just had a really good game of alternate shot - my classic 18 holes at St Andrews .. ruined by this extremely stupid rule.

    One player timed out twice during the first nine - we all joked at how this was unlikely to go the distance ... and it didn't. His partner succumbed at hole 14 and terminated the game.

    I would probably run out of characters for how bad this rule is - but I'm going to try anyway:

    1) You can go 17 holes (2 hours sometimes) .. and then the game is ruined because someone's connection timed out for a 3rd time. A complete waste of everybody's time.

    And it's hard to play properly knowing that you've 10 holes to go - and already someone has timed out twice.

    2) The rule is the same for 18 holes as it is for 9 holes .. with the software the way it is, completing 9 holes is hard enough .. but recently, I've noticed 18 holes of multiplayer is extremely unlikely to be completed due to the rule

    3) Savvy players like me start counting the disconnects, and offering to lose a timeout themselves rather than having the game be terminated if the opponent is one away from exterminating the game. It should NEVER be that way. EVER.

    It is ridiculous and stupid - the players themselves should decide when the game is over, not you.

    If we get to the 17th hole, even with major disconnection problems for one player; that all the others have forgiven ..  - is anyone going to thank you for destroying the game because "that's 3 - you're done ..."?

    Whoever came up with this has clearly never played a game of golf before (otherwise they would know how frustrating it is for someone to come up to you abruptly on the 17th and say "your opponent is wearing jeans, you're done here today!"; has no friends (blatantly obvious); and is paid way WAY too much (or is forced by the government to do 'a course in computers' or lose their welfare benefit).

    Please disable the 3-disconnect rule - and if removing it from the code is too much to ask, then just up it to 255-disconnect rule as a workaround. It's piss easy - you just need to change one number in the code.

    How hard is that?

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 10:06 AM

    This happens to me and my friends too many times as well (and probably to a lot of other folks). The running joke is that any multi-player game is now a game of attrition, rather than golf skill.

    I fully agree with you and even suggested something similar in a different string a while back.


  • patefern
    9 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 5:57 AM


  • didanz
    102 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 10:04 AM

    Agree.Change is needed.

  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 12:24 PM

    certainly with the flash memory issue almost certainly have to close the browser after 12 holes or so.... Wonder how 4 player 18 holer is even possible

  • FarFoo
    2,925 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 5:29 PM

    yep, or better, give the option to remaining team / player to accept more disconnects, then you don't get stuck in a game with an idiot who actually wants you to forfeit.

  • stoney2001
    167 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 6:26 PM

    I'm with you all the way. I've given up on playing 4 player games and wont even play skins any more.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 11:07 PM

    Not stupid at all.  The stupid doesn't begin until 4 people get together and think that they can play a round of stroke inside of 2 hours.

    I agree with the three strikes rule.  If your net sucks that much, you need the punishment.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 12:22 AM

    Whilst I understand the OP's frustrations. and in principle agree, I say no.

    Yes playing a multi player game is a lottery at the moment, to implement this would mean programming changes - with the current crop of you want to risk that?

    Time would be better spent of permanent fixes.

    Michael, the issues are not solely with the players, the platform is unstable and has nothing to do with internet connections (well in my case nor in the case of many friends).

  • FarFoo
    2,925 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 6:23 AM


     If your net sucks that much, you need the punishment.

    Its not a 'net' issue.
    It's a wgt programming issue.

    For example, I played 2 matches recently, both against experienced respected wgt players, because of the many disconnects , there are 8 results recorded in history for just these 2 matches. What a pain in the ass getting those games played turned out to be.

    I know many players who will not play skins anymore because they get kicked and lose their credits. ( documented on other threads )