jakestanfill7: Purely idiotic that they have two different green speeds named the same thing
Sorry Jake, agreed w/you until I saw this post from Niv, which should clear this issue as being a conspiracy or theory.
Here are the general guidelines we have given the greens keeper for regular play (actual green performance may vary): very interesting!!!!!!!!
Tier Green Speed Stimpmeter
Hack 7.9
Amateur 7.9
Pro 9.0
Tour Pro 10.0
Master 10.0
Tour Master 11.0
Legend 12.0
As a TM (grrrr) I do notice a difference in GS in games (MP/AS) when a Legend initiates the game. ie 12.0 vs 11.0. In all tier Rg's vs a specific tiered, it can be a bit deceiving from one green to the next or course to course that is being played. But that has been stated, so it shouldn't be a surprise or even deceptive. IMHO
In real golf, does every green have the "exact" speed? (only if every green is flat with no undulations) Of course not. In this "virtual" game it would have been easier for the programmers to initiate the exact green speed for whichever course or game chosen.
sidenote; I think Jake, Bollie, Price, Aaron and a couple others who are dominating the Rg's should not be given GS indicator before your round.....hehe