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Re: Division Progress - Pointless

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Mon, Sep 2 2024 6:14 AM (6 replies)
  • JasCooper
    528 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 10:12 AM

    i only play on my iPad, so didn't realize until not long ago that divisions, coins, and rooms seem to be a feature of the mobile app, since they're so prominently displayed on the home screen. 

    And, more and more, I'm discovering how pointless they are. My first realization was discovering that coins, which you win playing in 'Rooms' or buy for real money, are good for very little. You can rent relatively mediocre club set, some costing a fortune in coins. 

    When you play in rooms the typical format is three hole head to head matches. The two I use differ in coin amounts. One has a 500 coin entry fee with a 900 coin prize. The other a 10,000 coin entry with an 18,000 coin prize.

    Each week, depending on your winnings, you move up, down or not at all in various divisions. Now, here's the pointless part. I was in the Diamond III division after being promoted by finishing in the top 30 spots. A couple of times I didn't move for finishing in the middle of the pack. Last week, I finished in 55th place, where anyone finishing between 31st and 65th place was neither promoted or demoted.

    But WGT didn't follow their own guidelines and demoted me back to Platinum I division. So, why in the world do they post your progress and standings if they don't follow their own rules? The pop-up notice I got said something about that put me in the division with similar players.

    Yet the matchups I get range from hacks with starter clubs to tour legends at levels in the nineties. So what makes my opponents similar to me based on division? Especially when I've won most of my matches, or at least tied.

    With the payout they use, 10,000 coin entry 18,000 prize, if you win every other game and lose every other game, you're 1,000 coins in the hole. So with almost 900,000 coins in my kitty, I'm obviously winning more than half my games. 

    So, where is the logic in telling me I won't get demoted finishing within their guidelines and the demoting me where the players are essentially the exact same range regardless of division. Sounds pointless to me. Instead of playing these pointless matches for a paltry 60-80 XP points and a pile of nearly worthless coins, I think I'll concentrate on tournaments, leveling up (these games are unranked), and they can demote me down to tin; or whoever it was where I started. 

    Any opinions?

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 3:57 PM

    Hi JasCooper,

    Thanks for the post and wanted to clear this up for you regarding divisions. Yes you move up if your in the upper 3rd, stay in the same place if you are in the middle 3rd, and move down if you are in the lower 3rd. If you stay within the same division longer than 2 weeks you will also move down one division rank. This is done so players do not become stagnant in the same division, not moving up, and then not receiving coins for advancing. As you know, when you move up in division, especially if you place high in your division, you receive bonus coins. If a player is locked in their division, not moving up or down they are not able to earn coins this way which is why after 2 weeks in the same division, a player is moved down one. 

    Coins are still a relatively new currency that was added to mobile and currently are used in coin room games, division progress, and coin gear which can be rented through the ProShop. Since its still pretty new i'm sure that there will be more uses for coins in the future but as of now these are what coins can be used for.

    All the Best,

  • AussieMick11
    1,276 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 5:46 PM

    Hi JasCooper. I agree, the coins are useless (for now?) and the xp's from the matches are low. Having said that I've had some really fun matches in those rooms, met some cool people, and promoted the cc I am in. But I tend to stick to playing matches against friends, the free weekly tournaments, and cc tournaments. Definitely check out the free weekly mobile tournament that WGT hosts. Happy golfing and have fun!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 11:18 PM

    Coins are still a relatively new currency that was added to mobile and currently are used in coin room games, division progress, and coin gear which can be rented through the ProShop. Since its still pretty new i'm sure that there will be more uses for coins in the future but as of now these are what coins can be used for.

    Are you saying it is another poorly thought out implementation like CC levels, CC Bank, CC Clashes...need I go on?

  • gimmeballs
    621 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 5:19 PM

    I've been demoted 2 tiers for not participate enough.  Been to the top and didn't feel like being on a mountain with the only way to go was down . Play clashes now for the thrill.  Still love the head to head for fun and friendly conversation. Love pushing the youngins to advance,  since most don't play tournaments and don't know credits rule. Moble still has its limits but I will not change for lack of the mobility. 

    Keep hitting em! 

  • Adalanar
    282 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2016 4:16 AM



    when it comes to coins and the setup of of the division etc - it is not even worth writing about it as all of it is somewhat useless.

    On the other hand this is pretty much the only place on wgt where you can actually can play against somebody else. Obviously the option exists on the computer version but there are not many people around. Basically on a social part - the feature is great.



  • birdieman727
    1 Posts
    Mon, Sep 2 2024 6:14 AM

    I agree