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Sat, Apr 8 2017 10:07 PM (8 replies)
  • bikinigirl24
    313 Posts
    Wed, Mar 1 2017 5:29 AM

    Why wgt do you automatically give me tournament 11 speed when I play yet refuse to give me the option of playing that speed on the putting greens 

  • gonfission
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 5:43 AM

    Before you TEE OFF you can change the speed to whichever you would prefer, with the arrows above the TEE OFF box

  • bikinigirl24
    313 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 7:37 AM

    Maybe you do not understand the question I am well aware that you can change the speed but when I was a tour Master I am automatically given a 11 tournament speed which is not available on the practice greens it goes from very fast to 12 tournament speed and on long Putts there is a difference

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 8:07 AM

    Unfortunately only a selection of "whichever"...

    Higher selections are "very fast" (10), "Tournament" (12) and "Championship" (13).

    Tournament (11) greens aren't available.

    So, you can select whichever name a green speed has (excluding the ridiculously slow and fast ones) but not all speeds.

    Why? Probably because they have the same name.

  • gonfission
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 10:41 AM

    I did misunderstand your question. Even though you can not practice on T11's, below are calculations that should suffice for you on all green speeds. Very little dialing in will help your personal ball preference.

    Add or subtract the elevation then multiply it times .75. That will get you at the cup on T11's. For slight up hill add 1-4 feet, larger lifts add up to 4-5 feet

    Opposite for down hill putts

    Each green increment is .05 away from each other

    standard x .9

    fast x .85

    very fast x .8

    TM x .75

    legend x .7

    Champion x .65

    You've been playing as a legend,or T12, as of 3/11/17, which is the multiple of .7

    Good luck

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 2:33 PM

    IBDT: You can't calculate the side breaks with these numbers - you have to practice at the right green speed.

    Thus, the putting green is much less profitable for all Tour Masters.

  • bikinigirl24
    313 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 3:40 PM



    I did misunderstand your question. Even though you can not practice on T11's, below are calculations that should suffice for you on all green speeds. Very little dialing in will help your personal ball preference.

    Add or subtract the elevation then multiply it times .75. That will get you at the cup on T11's. For slight up hill add 1-4 feet, larger lifts add up to 4-5 feet

    Opposite for down hill putts

    Each green increment is .05 away from each other

    standard x .9

    fast x .85

    very fast x .8

    TM x .75

    legend x .7

    Champion x .65

    You've been playing as a legend,or T12, as of 3/11/17, which is the multiple of .7

    Good luck

    I think you have something missing there if I remember right it goes standard fast very fast tournament 10 tournament 11 tournament 12 and then championship 13 and I believe there is a speed after 13 although I have played or seen it

  • borntobesting
    9,749 Posts
    Sat, Apr 8 2017 8:56 PM

    Nope you rememered incorrectly. There is no tournament 10. 10 is very fast. And there is championship 14.