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Re: matchplay affect on avg stats tier

rated by 0 users
Tue, Feb 12 2019 4:35 AM (35 replies)
  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2019 8:45 AM

    Said the Master to  the Tour Legend, LMAO, BTW  you're responding to a 2 year old thread.


  • brekee
    26 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2019 10:28 AM


    in other words you blow and wgt dont tier up scrubs

    Currently you have got 3 MPwins vs  TMs egual 3 times 5 = 15 times 60 scores (as your best Mscore is 60).

    You have got further 3 times 60 scores, a single 62 score, 12 times 64 scores and a lot 66 scores,

    so your Avg should be 62.60 tier up to TM (18*60+1*62+12*64+9*66) = 62.60 Avg

    but your Avg is 63.35 so 1 TMwin has to be uncompleted... (quit?)

    (13*60+1*62+12*64+14*66) = 63.35 Avg



  • ffries61
    522 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2019 8:48 PM


    FINALLY!!!! I figured it out!!!!! Fact is...... ...I don't care about StrokePlay Average. It matters not in MY play.

      But it does matter .Most would prefer to tier up to legend within a couple years . Rather than 10 years .

      WGT's  " secret " algorithm tiering process . Enables one to tier up as fast as he or she desires .

      When WGT started there was no stroke play . No averages . When the stroke play began . So did the ranked round averages . To be fair WGT created the bonus match play for beating a higher tier . Just so the fewer match play players could have a way to improve their averages .

      Most everything is based on the ranked rounds ( which are all stroke play rounds of various types ) .Single player to multiplayer , single play to WGT & CC unlimited play rounds . Something for everyone . In PC play .

      IE: ( for example )

      Once one has climbed that incredibly hard ladder to Legend . One must play 500 ranked rounds before they are saturated . Saturation is simply a very cool way to take the pressure off the already long grind in the tiering up process . In each tier , after a designated # of rounds . The saturation level is reached . All rounds above ones average are discarded , deleted , disappear , do not count . only rounds at or below ones average count . Until the next tier . This benefits the players ( enables them to refine their skills , upgrade , etc ) It also benefits WGT . Players stay longer , play more , and buy more equipment .


    Said the Master to  the Tour Legend, LMAO, BTW  you're responding to a 2 year old thread.

      Lol . So did you . It matters not the age of the thread . Especially if there is good information in it .

      Some threads are still going after 10 years .


    Nah, I responded to o day old post, LOL

  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2019 9:24 PM

      WGT's  " secret " algorithm tiering process . Enables one to tier up as fast as he or she desires .

    [...]To be fair WGT created the bonus match play for beating a higher tier . Just so the fewer match play players could have a way to improve their averages .

    Two disputable arguments...

    Tier promotion, to me, is more a mandatory process to keep the interest in new gear vivid. In the same intention, and on request of the players for fairness against sandbaggers who might avoid strokeplay scores, the two alternative measures of promotion were added, match play wins and credit wins.

    One must play 500 ranked rounds before they are saturated . Saturation is simply a very cool way to take the pressure off the already long grind in the tiering up process .

    [...]The saturation level is reached . All rounds above ones average are discarded , deleted , disappear , do not count . only rounds at or below ones average count . Until the next tier .
    Not quite true. A true argument is,
    A saturated average won't rise because certain high scores are discarded.

    Any saturated pool of scores contains scores above and below the average, just imagine the status when it is reached for the first time. From then on, only new scores below the highest in the pool will discard that one, while scores equal to or higher than that highest score will go unnoticed. => The average will only drop until it's reset on tier promotion.

    BTW: Saturation is an unofficial phrase, coined by the users.