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Re: paid tournaments - Get's my goat!

Wed, Sep 20 2017 1:26 PM (37 replies)
  • Miantiao
    401 Posts
    Fri, Sep 15 2017 12:45 AM


    ok so I don't complain but I have to say, this is something that irritates the crap out of me.

    So I'm ready to go sign up for a PAID (not talking about freebies) tournament.  There's 32 of 50 scores already reported yet you can't see them.  I get the whole "well if you see them then you won't play" mentality but the fact still remains it's my money, my credits.  I want to see scores from participants who've gone before me to see if there is even a REMOTE POSSIBILITY i'll place.  The way this is setup screams "hey we're WGT and we're going to take your $ no matter what you think" and to me that's total BS.

    I want to play in the paid tournaments but I don't want to sign up and cough up my 500c only to find some guy that makes his living on WGT has scored a (in 4th place) 34 on a 72 par 18 hole game.  There is NO WAY in hell I would even come close to competing with that.  Yes a little exaggerated but you get the point.  I can't honestly be the only person that feels this way with the way the paid tournaments are setup.

    I spend $ hand over fist on this game for balls, clubs, club passes, etc. all for good use by me so $ is not the issue.  The issue is giving away $ to WGT for NOTHING on these paid tournaments.


    rant over.. going back to my stroke game with the measly Master levels.

    Seeing scorecards before you pay and enter is simply ridiculous. Check out previous tournament results to garner an indication of what you need to shoot to win a top ten placing.

    Make a living playing WGT? Lmfao, no but once you're good enough you can play for free. However, its possible some players earn advertising dollars through their YouTube channel.

    34 on a par 72 course? Lmfaox2. 54 is an exceptional round though, and deserves the win.




    174 Posts
    Tue, Sep 19 2017 5:14 PM

    my point was not to see the scorecard but at least know who you're up against.


    Do you honestly think it fair for a Pro to sign up for a tournament where a Tour Champ is playing.. What kind of logic that?  There is none behind it so LYFAOX2 all you want.. it's reality.


    Would you (if you really play golf) with a handicap of 15 go out to a course and take on a person with a handicap of 1?  You might be good, but buddy you ain't that good or that lucky!



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Sep 19 2017 6:43 PM

    You simply need to improve or accept there is nothing you stand a chance of winning in.

    The only Hcaps in WGT wide premium events are tiers.  Nothing exists in a broad enough way to come remotely close to accommodate your skill level.

    As a L91 TM with good equipment, you at least have that to back you up.

    See threads on how to improve.

    EDIT: If you just want comps down to what you might be able to compete in they would be taken apart by possibly even more cheats than usual.  You might find a CC that caters for it but with scores so low beating someone with say a 34 from halfway tees, because they failed to shoot a course record, from full tees, can be silly......

  • Miantiao
    401 Posts
    Wed, Sep 20 2017 12:30 AM


    my point was not to see the scorecard but at least know who you're up against.


    Do you honestly think it fair for a Pro to sign up for a tournament where a Tour Champ is playing.. What kind of logic that?  There is none behind it so LYFAOX2 all you want.. it's reality.


    Would you (if you really play golf) with a handicap of 15 go out to a course and take on a person with a handicap of 1?  You might be good, but buddy you ain't that good or that lucky!



    I do alright mate, cheers.

    Every RG tournament will have Champion players with skill that enter, simple. It doesn't take an Einstein to peruse previous results to discover this.

    Master tees lvl 91 and you still whinge? Wait till you start teeing off from the car park where you'll be teeing off from 230-250 on more than a few par 3s, and approaching greens from around that distance on many par 4s. 

    Look mate, I'm sure their are TM tier RG tournaments which you may want to try your luck at. If you don't do any good there, then how on earth do you reckon to yourself you'll do any good in an open tier tournament? Lmfao

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Wed, Sep 20 2017 8:31 AM

    hey there Twed... 

    just going to chime in, 

    Im going to agree with alot of what has been said on here but do it in probably a nicer way.


    Holding back the scores is the way it should be done. For exactly the reason you want to see the scores. If someone throws up lets say a 50 on a course. noone will sign up to try to beat it. Everyone goes in blind. Everyone plays their best and the best scores win credits. That's why REady gos cycle so fast.


    Secondly,there are two types of Ready gos. Open and Tiered.

    The Open ones will be mostly champions. THere is no point in you playing those. I dont play those and I actually could place in top 10 from time to time. But i couldn't do it consistently enough to make a profit.

    Hence why I play in the Legend Only Ready Gos. I can make enough to pay for my golf balls and clubs playing in that Tier.


    lastly, even the tiered Ready gos are probably not a good idea for you. (yet).

    ADP should be less than 13.  

    Need to get sand saves and Scrambles up into at least the high 50s.  

    You're above par as far as averages on par 3s, par 4s, and par 5s. Those all need to be below par. 

    GIR is 66%. That should be in the high 80s or better. 

    In order to make a profit playing RGs you have to be able to consistently place in the top 10. Think along the lines of 3/5 times top 10s. and then when you don't you're still in top 20.

    That's where your game needs to be.

    If you play RGs right now you're going to lose money. If you're ok with that and just enjoy the competition then go for it. 

    Otherwise keep working on the game and get better like we all do.

    Have fun and happy hitting!


    188 Posts
    Wed, Sep 20 2017 12:09 PM

    I don't go along with seeing scores before you enter either. As another poster mentioned, do a little research on the finished tourneys to get an idea where you would place.

    I used to play the brackets because I liked the concept. Started out with the 0 credit ones and slowly moved up to the paid ones as I improved. I was doing fairly well until I moved up to Tour Master, then it was all downhill for a good while until I brought my level up again. I dread moving up to Legend.

    What I would like to see in Brackets is more diversity in credit games, and more of a level playing field along with some new courses. I realize the courses might be a problem, but making a smaller credit entry might discourage the "sharks" from entering the tierless.

    As for Ready Go's, I don't even bother after a few trials.

  • alosso
    21,081 Posts
    Wed, Sep 20 2017 1:26 PM

    Do you honestly think it fair for a Pro to sign up for a tournament where a Tour Champ is playing.. What kind of logic that? 

    No offence intended, but it's not logic, it's suicide.

    My two Pfennig:
    Unless you're a Tour Legend at least, don't play RG tournaments open for all. Stay with tiered RG tournaments, and check previous tournaments in advance to see where you stand.

    "Make a living"? Ridiculous, given the costs of going to the top, and giving the "exchange rate" of the gift cards. #2 in the career earnings (close to alleged 100,000 $, vulgo 10,000,000 cr) once complained that the outcome is meagre. Too meagre to be relevant IMHO.