As terrible as this disaster was, I was very impressed by the actions taken by the people affected by it!
We have seen these storms before, although nothing like this rain, and a lot of people take action to save whats theirs, and help neighbors...
But the people of Texas didn't wait around for the government to help, or leave it in the hands of 1st responders who get paid to do this...the call went out for "anyone" with a boat to help and the response was overwhelming, and a beautiful sight to see in this day and age!!!!!
All I have been able to say is "WOW", words don't even do this justice....the people from all over the "Midwest" who gave their time and resources to help out, and the people of Texas have somewhat restored my faith in, and pride in this country!!
Thank YOU for showing the World what we are all about in the heartland of this great country!