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Re: Laggy Meter on Mobile

Tue, Feb 6 2018 2:07 AM (27 replies)
  • stizzle1988
    1,015 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2018 11:07 PM

    I have it on my phone too but the lag is there as well. I have disabled all options that might lead to a laggy meter - shadows included.

    It's different now: there's just one lag in about the middle of the scalr since the update. 

    Thanks again for all the tipps

  • kingiling
    512 Posts
    Thu, Feb 1 2018 7:43 AM

    Jumpy meter started on the last mobile update, and it is gone today after the latest mobile update (iPhone).

  • stizzle1988
    1,015 Posts
    Fri, Feb 2 2018 5:00 AM


    Jumpy meter started on the last mobile update, and it is gone today after the latest mobile update (iPhone).

    You're right the lag is gone but now the meter does not stop immediately when i press. I think the new animations before and after the shot do this. I have to press approximately 1 sec before the meter stops.

    How's it for you guys?

  • TheSpark4
    42 Posts
    Fri, Feb 2 2018 7:08 AM

    Yes Stizzle, having the exact same problem! So much so that despite not being a regular poster on the forum I felt compelled to start a new thread (awaiting moderation)....

    I hadn’t played for a few days as my old iPad had died. Have just received a new 2017 iPad and was pretty shocked as soon as started playing wgt (with the new update installed).

    I’m hitting everything late, ie missing the ding to the right, really badly at times too. At first I thought perhaps the new iPad just isn’t as responsive as my old one, or perhaps has a fault. It isn’t one second as you describe, more like a split second, but there’s a noticeable delay.

    Really frustrating. Am going to try and delete and reinstall the app tonight, as well as disabling shadows as others have mentioned. Is almost unplayable as is😳

    Will get onto cust services if that doesn’t work. All else seems fine, meter running as smooth as ever etc etc....

  • stizzle1988
    1,015 Posts
    Sat, Feb 3 2018 8:00 AM


    I’m hitting everything late, ie missing the ding to the right, really badly at times too. At first I thought perhaps the new iPad just isn’t as responsive as my old one, or perhaps has a fault. It isn’t one second as you describe, more like a split second, but there’s a noticeable delay.

    it's a split second yes but i think you got the point. i first thought i need to clean my screen or to press more accurate but i then realized that it's not me. i can adjust to it but it's difficult to get it done right if u have played for a long time with no delay


    Really frustrating. Am going to try and delete and reinstall the app tonight, as well as disabling shadows as others have mentioned. Is almost unplayable as is😳

    i did that already - made no change!

    All else seems fine, meter running as smooth as ever etc etc....

    me too! :)

    HAVE u heard something from CS?


  • TheSpark4
    42 Posts
    Sat, Feb 3 2018 9:21 AM

    Yes, CS were as prompt and helpful as ever, but solved nothing. Suggested all the usual things - deleting shadows/vibrations, ensuring good WiFi, closing other apps, delete and reinstall the game etc etc. None of this has helped.

    They’ve tweaked the meter difficulty without any doubt whatsoever. I’m not the best player by any means but have gone from dinging perhaps 6-7/10 drives on a good day to ONE in total in half a dozen 9h cc games this afternoon! Logged my dings in x2 rounds earlier (18h total) and hit 10 in total inc all tap-ins inside a couple of feet 😒

    Where it is most acute/obvious is with putting. Previously it was virtually impossible not to ding say a 3’ putt with the 30/60’ scale, now I’m missing pretty much every single time. Only by the tiniest fraction but we all know what that can mean on 13-14 speed greens especially!....

    Posted earlier on my CC’s proboard and other mobile players are saying same, especially one also playing on the 2017 iPad. 

    As you say, it is possible to adjust (indeed my scoring’s still been OK this afternoon, most 9h’s around the 30/31 mark) but things have undoubtedly changed.

    The big misding to the right is the real killer and has cost me a few balls last couple days. Beforehand I could go days if not weeks without losing a ball, and then it would nearly always be down to poor course management over anything else.

    Again, to reiterate, the meter itself is running as smooth as ever, no problems whatsoever. It’s become exponentially more difficult to ding tho ever since this latest downtime.

    Keen to hear if others are feeling the same, as much as anything to prove I’m not going mad! 😳

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, Feb 3 2018 5:32 PM

    Where it is most acute/obvious is with putting. Previously it was virtually impossible not to ding say a 3’ putt with the 30/60’ scale, now I’m missing pretty much every single time. Only by the tiniest fraction but we all know what that can mean on 13-14 speed greens especially!...

    On this part, I have to disagree a bit. I don't think a missed ding really hurts all that much on the mobile. That's especially true with the putter that you have. 

    While I agree that dinging on the mobile is tougher than on the PC, I've always thought the mobile was more forgiving on missed dings. In any case, I rarely ding my putts. I'm not saying I'm a great putter. I'm just average. But I would rarely attribute my missed putts to missing the ding. It's always a misread or not getting the speed correct. 

  • stizzle1988
    1,015 Posts
    Tue, Feb 6 2018 2:07 AM


    On this part, I have to disagree a bit. I don't think a missed ding really hurts all that much on the mobile. That's especially true with the putter that you have. 

    While I agree that dinging on the mobile is tougher than on the PC, I've always thought the mobile was more forgiving on missed dings. In any case, I rarely ding my putts. I'm not saying I'm a great putter. I'm just average. But I would rarely attribute my missed putts to missing the ding. It's always a misread or not getting the speed correct. 

    On iron shots i agree here too. putting is a whole different story. there are certain breaks in the game where a missed ding makes the difference if the putt gets in.

    I'm an off-ding putter too so there are 3 things i consider for my putting. the length(+slope), the break, and i try to imagine how the missed ding influences my ball roll :)

    but i'm an average putter too. so don't listen to me hehe