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Laggy Meter on Mobile

Tue, Feb 6 2018 2:07 AM (27 replies)
  • stizzle1988
    1,015 Posts
    Wed, Jan 24 2018 9:35 AM

    Hello all,

    Since 2 days i have a laggy meter on my mobile and have no clue why. I can't play wgt on pc cause my meter is jumping too much but on mobile i never had this problem.

    I deleted the app twice with all the data and cache but it hasn't changed. Just for info i have 150k mbit download and approximately 40k upload and an ipad... the connection with my provider is fine and stable. 

    Does anyone have the same problem or more important any suggestions? 


  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Wed, Jan 24 2018 12:37 PM

    Not a thing on the mobile platform

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Jan 24 2018 1:04 PM

    Around the time you started having troubles, did you download another app?

    If so, that may be the culprit. 

  • stizzle1988
    1,015 Posts
    Wed, Jan 24 2018 1:58 PM


    Around the time you started having troubles, did you download another app?

    If so, that may be the culprit. 

    No i mainly use it for playing wgt and internet stuff. I recorded a few rounds in the past but that made my meter stutter a little bit. I stopped about 10 days ago but right now i wish that it's like when i recorded. 

    But thanks for the thought jimbeau

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Jan 24 2018 4:46 PM

    thanks for the thought jimbeau

    Most welcome. I'm new to mobile stuff, having just gotten a tablet for Christmas. I'm not sure which visual platform WGT used for mobile, just that it wasn't flash. 

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Wed, Jan 24 2018 6:02 PM


    Hello all,

    Since 2 days i have a laggy meter on my mobile and have no clue why. I can't play wgt on pc cause my meter is jumping too much but on mobile i never had this problem.

    I deleted the app twice with all the data and cache but it hasn't changed. Just for info i have 150k mbit download and approximately 40k upload and an ipad... the connection with my provider is fine and stable. 

    Does anyone have the same problem or more important any suggestions? 


    I just played a random 3 on my IPhone and the meter was ultra smooth. Have you tried restarting your IPad?  

    Is you IPad on your mobile network or is it Wi-Fi only?  If it is Wi-Fi only you might try turning off your Wi-Fi then turning it back on. 

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Wed, Jan 24 2018 6:10 PM

    Same here with my iPad-- very smooth and responsive.

    In the past, I've found that if it does lag at all, it's mostly due to how I touch the screen. I find that, with my iPad, it responds best if I use the tip of my finger and make sure that it doesn't slide across the screen as well.

    I will say, however, that I never had any luck with Nike Level 61 balls that you're playing. Those did always seem to lag for me, especially on pitches. The Nike Level 71 and 81 balls work much better for me. 

  • Noordwesth
    50 Posts
    Wed, Jan 24 2018 6:46 PM

    I, and others in my country club, has experienced the same thing after the latest client update. I contacted wt and they were aware of the problem since they had several feedback reports on the same issue. 

  • stizzle1988
    1,015 Posts
    Thu, Jan 25 2018 12:24 AM

    Thanks guys for writing back. Yes i restarted the ipad a couple of times and also my router and internet connection.

    Robert thanks for that advice. I was playing an other ball before and switched it to the nike's 61... maybe the ball is the issue here. I know what u're speaking of as if i touch my ipad sloppy the meter runs a bit further. But in this case it's different. If i load the meter everything is fine but if it goes back it stutters at 1/2 way and near the ding again. The problem is the touch responds very fast so i'm either way too early or too late (depends on if i catch it before or after the jump) :)

    Don't know if it makes much sense but it is what it is. I'll try the other ball today and see how it goes



  • stizzle1988
    1,015 Posts
    Thu, Jan 25 2018 11:17 AM


    I, and others in my country club, has experienced the same thing after the latest client update. I contacted wt and they were aware of the problem since they had several feedback reports on the same issue. 

    Thank you!