WOW. The poor guy's reached his limit enough to the point his first post is about frustration with the game. He didn't say he was quitting, it's just obvious he's stuck. He asked typical frustrated-player questions that aggravate everybody and didn't throw a rock at the game in a huff like the ones do that those responses are appropriate for.
For starters, Axe, before you give up, change the clubs you're using to the starters. They're in your bag and are basically the same except YOU have to click the swing. The starters won't automatically click for you and then you can see better what it's going to take to improve. The game doesn't/won't do it for you and that's what makes it real and fun.
Once you have that feel then do a little reading about the different shots you can use and how to manage courses. I swear you will improve. All the good golfers went through this at one time or another so don't despair. It gets way better. ;-)