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Re: Greens

Tue, Feb 11 2025 4:40 AM (5 replies)
  • Oldtimer037
    1 Posts
    Fri, Mar 29 2024 6:30 AM

    It would be nice to see the pins moved around like it is on a real golf course. More courses for 18 hole play would also be nice.

  • BlackBogey
    646 Posts
    Sun, Mar 31 2024 4:15 PM

    They just don't have too many to choose from unlike in real golf.  They are slowly but surely rolling out new pins for each course.  They have said that it takes at least 4 months to do a new set, and with other stuff they have to work on (or choose to work on in some cases) they are hard pressed to do more than 2 courses a year.

    They put out a new set for Chambers last year and have already put out new pins for PGA National this year, and will be releasing a new set for another course in one of the upcoming months.

    Also remember that based on the type of game you play, you may get the same pins most of the time whether there are multiple ones available or not.  Some games such as solo ranked, conditions including pin placement, are based on your Tier and not editable.

  • Honololou
    6 Posts
    Fri, Jan 24 2025 8:16 PM


    It would be nice to see the pins moved around like it is on a real golf course. More courses for 18 hole play would also be nice.

    I agree. Adding a new pin set to a course is the next best thing to having a new course to play. In an ideal world, each course would have at least 3 hole locations on every green. And there would be a way to play the course with randomly selected hole locations.

    But I imagine it is a big task to set this up. Firstly, there needs to be enough photography of the greens to cover all of the possible angles and views. I can only assume that some of the older courses like Olympic and St. George simply lack the requisite photography to implement a second pin set. But I thought the same about Pinehurst and then a new set of pins came out just recently.

    In short, yes! Give us more pins! I would love to see a new set of pins for Torrey Pines.

    On a related note, some courses (I am thinking of St. Andrews) seem to have a few pins that only show up in coin game formats. I play almost exclusively stroke play and I remember seeing a hole location for (I think it was) the first par three on the back nine that I had never encountered during a stroke-play round--and I've played it dozens of times. WHY?


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2025 1:57 AM

    This is a hard task unless perpared well in advance (when they photograph the course).

    Usually, they have two sets in store which may be released at different times. I remember that they had only one set on KIA and no specific shots for the second locations. To launch a second set, they had to search in the archives for fitting shots and assemble them. Remember, you need outside views on the flags from various angles and views from the putting positions out.

    Anyway, some flaws are visible on a few of those locations. E.g., you may only get a reverse look on a putt.

  • BlackBogey
    646 Posts
    Mon, Jan 27 2025 1:18 PM


    This is a hard task unless perpared well in advance (when they photograph the course).

    Usually, they have two sets in store which may be released at different times. I remember that they had only one set on KIA and no specific shots for the second locations. To launch a second set, they had to search in the archives for fitting shots and assemble them. Remember, you need outside views on the flags from various angles and views from the putting positions out.

    Anyway, some flaws are visible on a few of those locations. E.g., you may only get a reverse look on a putt.

    I was gonna say, not having the requisite photography doesn't seem to stop them in a few instances.  Kiawah, as you mentioned, you get all kinds of ungodly views. 

    There are also the holes with water near the greens/pins.  Congressional #6 (par 5 with pond in front) and PGA #5 (par 3 with water left) come to mind right off the top of my head.  Either of those greens if you end up between the water and a front pin you aren't getting a good view down the line, only from reverse.  I guess they didn't have a boat/canoe available to shoot from behind the golfer when doing original shooting, and non-military drones probably weren't readily available at the times those courses were shot.  Going forward it would be advisable for them to shoot all possible angles for additional pins, even if they don't plan on releasing them until later down the road. 

    I'm in agreement though, at least new pins would have to be cheaper and easier to create (provided they have the required photos) and would liven up the game.  I know it's not possible with the limited resources they are working with, but it would be ideal to have 4 pin sets per course.  That way you could mix a different pin set and tees for each day of a 4 round just like in real life.  And just name the pins 1, 2, 3, 4.  No need for Easy, Medium, Hard.  Different tees can make different pins play easier or harder, so leave that up to us. 

    Really pie-in-the-sky wishing would be to have the ability to customize the pins by hole, not pin set, in CC tournaments like they have with the tee boxes.  

  • FrancescaTorres
    1 Posts
    Tue, Feb 11 2025 4:40 AM

    That’s a great idea! Moving the pins around would add variety and a more realistic golf experience. Expanding the course selection for full 18-hole play would also be a fantastic improvement. It would keep the game fresh and more engaging. Hopefully, future updates bring these enhancements. Fingers crossed for more courses and dynamic pin placements! Writing an essay can be time-consuming, especially when you have multiple deadlines. That’s why I used Academized, which offers high-quality essays for sale paper I received was well-researched, 100% plagiarism-free, and properly formatted according to my academic requirements. I was impressed with how well the writer followed my instructions, and it helped me submit my assignment on time.