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Re: The difference between good, great...and reality.

Tue, May 1 2012 8:40 PM (39 replies)
  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 9:26 PM

    So if i shoot under par with a hickory and a feathery, I'm da man eh? lol What a joke.

    Who the hell gives a s hit? Bobby Jones shot some killer scores with them sticks so,,I don't get what all the controversy is about,,this clown wants to challenge so and so with those crap clubs, hell even my lame azz parred Beth P with those old sticks so put a cork in the 'challenge'.

    No doubt some guru on here prolly shoot a 30 with the old clubs idk,,what to hell does it matter?


  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Tue, Dec 13 2011 10:49 AM

    Granted, some of  you will  get more out of the upgrades than others, but your scores are phony


    Nobody is arguing that better equipment makes this game easier...that's a given.  But this place is what it a profit making company, who makes money selling stuff, that is not likely to change.  The only thing that makes sense about your comments is if you are trying to help new players understand what they are getting into...if that is your intent, then say so.  It is not realistic to expect players that have invested in better equipment not to use it just because they are playing with you.  It's human nature to enjoy what we do, for many that means buying better equipment to make the game more fun.  I, for one, am willing to pay for that.  If you would like a game, look me up.    

    One thing is for sure, if some were not paying to play, those playing for free would be. 



  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Tue, Dec 13 2011 11:13 AM



    Here's a challenge: Get some good equipment and see if you can compete! I think your refusal is an excuse to be bad -- and to not break par, as you are challenging others to do (with equipment that you, and not they, are used to).

    The challenge is set!

    Since the scores with these better clubs would be so "phony", do it on Master (hard) tees, very fast greens and moderate winds, BPB front.

  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Thu, Dec 15 2011 4:54 AM


    I have had this challenge out for the last year. Front nine at Beth Page, white tee, moderate wind, fast green. I would like to see a legend break par, forget about 50 or 60, just break par. Put your upgrades away, come  back to the game the way it was originally given to you and show me you can break par. The legends of the old days used sticks, and a dead ball. They continually broke par, so please save the story that real players have to have better equipment  to be able to break par.

    Meh...2nd try at your supposed near impossible challenge

    Does it make me one of the elite? No

    Did it mean that I enjoyed the round? No

    Does it mean that I'm better than you? Yes

    Does it mean that you should STFU, buy some new clubs and simply play the game which 99.99999% of all other WGT users do? Yes

    Try to understand that constantly harping on about the same, boring challenge is incredibly tedious for everyone who visits these forums. As others have said, try to better yourself tiering up and getting new equipment. Maybe then, you'll understand that your self-styled challenge was an utter waste of time as you can get more enjoyment out of WGT by trying to play the game as everyone else does.

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Thu, Dec 15 2011 6:37 PM


    As others have said, try to better yourself tiering up and getting new equipment. Maybe then, you'll understand that your self-styled challenge was an utter waste of time as you can get more enjoyment out of WGT by trying to play the game as everyone else does.

    No chance of that, wouldn't be able to drag on this senseless argument. Has even turned down the offer of gifted upgrades, wouldn't want to step out of our comfort zone and have to prove oneself.....

  • AlexBorgesjr
    1,305 Posts
    Thu, Dec 15 2011 9:08 PM

    Okay better gear makes us cheaters , the game has evolved, I dont see tiger or phil using k mart clubs, there clubs most likely cost over 8000. customized, I like that were getting some of the same advantages the pros and the rich get, how does your buddy shoot in the 80s and you the 90s because he has titlest and you have wilson. and we all pay for success, theres aprice for it. ask any successful person.

  • Midoh
    209 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2011 8:48 AM

    hmmmm. This is a dumbassed post compared to whose? Certainly not any of yours, I take it..

  • AlexBorgesjr
    1,305 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 8:40 PM

    Joey you just about said it all.  right here


    One thing is for sure, if some were not paying to play, those playing for free would be. 
