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The difference between good, great...and reality.

Tue, May 1 2012 8:40 PM (39 replies)
  • Timbo1984
    818 Posts
    Sun, Dec 11 2011 11:30 PM

    We see a lot of posts in the forums about some of the more "elite" players on this site being accused of all sorts of treachery. Cheating, sand bagging, "auto-dingers" etc.

    At first you look at this game and you think, "How can I be shooting the best golf I can and scoring a 64 and then some other golfers here are shooting a 54! or better!" It just seems impossible, knowing your abilities, and then taking it further and thinking what you could possibly score on a perfect day, when everything goes right...and still not be able to get to that score. 

    So now you're already bewildered because of the scores you have seen on this site, and if you can get past the fact that these guys are not cheating, then you focus your attention on the fact that this "realistic" golf game isn't realistic at all! 

    The lowest recorded score in professional golf was a 55 shot by a chap named Homero Blancas. That is an incredible score...Even if it were to be made on this game. But how is it that some players on here can do even better. Forgive my lack of research but I think the lowest score on WGT is either a 51 or a 52. For obvious reasons, that boggles the mind!

    How can this happen? I think I know how...

    None of us would compare ourselves in real life golf to a Luke Donald or a Lee Westwood. It's unrealistic. You might have a 12 handicap and constantly shoot around 80 or lower on a real golf course...But you know for a fact you will never shoot a 62 like Westward did at Sun City's Gary Player Country Club last weekend. This you know as a fact, and can accept it. So why compare yourself to the likes of a BolloxInbruges? You know he's a better player, so why not accept that like can't shoot those scores.

    Secondly. A Pro golfer has to walk 18 holes, no golf carts allowed. So he has to battle fatigue while posting a score to get him on a leader board. He has to "judge" the wind...not be given the exact speed like we get given here on the game. His lie is crucial, how strong is he? And how does he address the ball with obstacles around him, we're given the same stance no matter the lie in this game, and everyone has the same strength in this game, just club type makes a difference in distance here. A pro golfer has to read his putt, he does not have the luxury of little red coloured dots telling him where the break is, like we do. We play the same courses over and over and over, they however are in a different country (jet lag involved there) and a different course every weekend. Sometimes it's freezing cold, it could be hot as hell even, maybe even a light rain could be around. Besides a difference in wind from hole to hole or course to course...we have perfect conditions all the time on this game.

    Now we have to think about all those things and wonder why some people can shoot better scores in this game than a real life pro, (if you still have to think about that). We're in our favourite chair, playing a game we know, with perhaps your favourite beverage near by, completely relaxed, no crowds or pressure...clicking one button. That's all that is asked of us...the click of a button. WITHOUT all of the above physical demands I have mentioned above. It's kinda simple...just one button.

    Then you get people arguing this game isnt realistic because of the scores. Remember...It's a game. A computer game...and should be considered as such. The more you try believe it should be "real" the sooner you will find yourself on the slippery slope of alternate reality. A computer game is a computer game, and real life is real life. Of course there will be differences in how things happen. One is is not. The one thing we can compare about the two is this...They are both LOADS of fun!

    Play YOUR game, not someone else's. There will always be someone out there better than you, acknowledging that fact will make you a better player in time. 

    With that small reality check over with. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, I hope you all come back from the holidays a little bit fatter, a little bit happier and of course, completely safe.

    And remember, no matter what, to always have fun! :)



  • FrillyPhil
    11 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 12:12 AM

    Well said!


  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 12:33 AM

    I like your perspective Tim.  I believe those scores are possible without resorting to treachery.  For those that can shoot that low, just make sure you take time to do the important things in life, otherwise, what's the point.


  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 12:45 AM

    50 was the lowest (Jason's) Ketel open quilf round

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 2:37 AM

    I have read your post with interest and thought, Yes, its about time someone put this whole argument into perspective. What you have said here is right on the button (Ding) lol:~))

    Since reading all of the posts on this subject I have decided that it is a waste of time chasing someone elses score. For some of us they are just out of reach no matter how well we play.

    I always go out there now and try and beat my own best score. No pressures, just enjoyment and a sense of achievement when I do.

    Thankyou so much for having the intelligence to tell it like it is.

    Happy Christmas to all and Happy Golfing (no griping from now on.Ha Ha)


  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 2:45 AM

    Nice piece of analysis Timbo, think u're spot on.

    Cheers, GC

  • johnloaves
    126 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 3:49 AM

    good post ,spot on

  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 3:57 AM

    Nonesense.  I go out and try to beat every other %&$ that entered the same comp.  I don't care who they are.

    OK, so I don't always succeed but hey, I'm tryin'.  :)

    Merry Christmas all.

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 5:53 AM

    We see a lot of posts in the forums about some of the more "elite" players on this site being accused of all sorts of treachery. Cheating, sand bagging, "auto-dingers" etc.

    A special hello to the seven dwarfs

    First of all your comparisons of this game and golf are in no way realistic. This is not golf, this is a game. You play pinball and you look for high scoring. You play this game you look for low scoring, and all the comparisons to real golf have no basis. Someone will shoot a 40 when WGT sells them a club or clubs that will enable them to shoot a 40. Las Vegas sets their machines to whatever payoff they want to give, and WGT sets the scores to whatever they want you to  shoot. Granted, some of  you will  get more out of the upgrades than others, but your scores are phony

    I have had this challenge out for the last year. Front nine at Beth Page, white tee, moderate wind, fast green. I would like to see a legend break par, forget about 50 or 60, just break par. Put your upgrades away, come  back to the game the way it was originally given to you and show me you can break par. The legends of the old days used sticks, and a dead ball. They continually broke par, so please save the story that real players have to have better equipment  to be able to break par.

    During the last year, 8 of you have taken the challenge. One of you took it last week, and gave me permission to publish his name. His average is 59. I will not publish his name in the forum, but if you want, go to my wall and I will give you the name. Of the 8 legends who have accepted the challenge, 7 of you have been 3 to 4 over par, and one of you ran after the 4th hole when you were 4 over at the 4th.

    Two of you have sent me phony score cards showing that you broke par, but like Ronald Reagan told the Russians, trust and verify. Save your phony score cards and show me you can break par. The challenge is out there, but I know after one year the challengers are scared, so forget about the 50's, just show me you can shoot 34 at beth with reg clubs and ball and putter. If you can, I will publish your name in this forum. If you look at my record, you will see that I have broken par with my reg clubs on 2 occasions. I have probably played over 1000 times, so my average is almost nil, but of course I never have claimed to shoot a 50 or 60 like you legends have

    Merry Christmas, happy New Year, and a special good night to my seven dwarfs


  • Timbo1984
    818 Posts
    Mon, Dec 12 2011 8:42 AM

    Thanks SunCity, thats an incredible score! Well done to (Jason).

    Ecka...Keep giving em stick mate! ;)

    x1524807...The comparison's I was making were to prove how real golf differentiates from this game, not sure you read the entire post correctly. Although I admit I had a Redbull before I wrote it, and might have written a bit too much. I think your challenge sounds fun. I will definitely take you up on it! Although I find you take way too much delight from legends failing at it...I see you're level 89 and still a Tour Pro...I'm fairly sure, it's because your clubs can't handle the tee's higher than that tier, so your challenge is kind of contradictory to your own abilities with the same equipment.

    I'm going to play a few rounds with starter clubs right now...I'll send you an invite for a stroke play two ball when I see you online next time. Sounds like good fun. :)