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Re: Wind Direction

Fri, Apr 26 2013 8:17 PM (39 replies)
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 4:26 PM


    Now hopefully I'm just reading into to something incorrectly here but are you saying in anyway shape or form that the wind direction from the TEES somehow effect the later shots like the one in question?   

    I'm sayin'.....the wind direction you determine while on the tee box is the truest indication and I use it to determine the effects of the wind on my 2nd, 3rd, ... shots.  No matter the wind direction shown in the window of my 2nd, 3rd, ... shots.

    For example, (don't make me use a protractor on ya Jay!), on the tee I see the wind blowing towards 1 o'clock.  On my second shot I'm aiming at the flag and facing 1:30.  Therefore the wind to 1o'clock will push the ball a little right to left, so I aim a bit right.




  • NYBallerMan
    52 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 4:48 PM

    That makes perfect sense. I've noticed that the wind appears to be more acute during tournaments.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 5:32 PM


    (don't make me use a protractor on ya Jay!)

    You better get it out!   LOL

    YJ and Andy I guess I'm confused.    I dont consider what the wind was on tees, when doing my second shot, whatever the wind says when the initial screen that comes up on 2nd (not zoom view, that is the key and I thought the main point here!) is what I go with, and it seems to work!

    If the wind was dead against me on tee shot, but then is 45 degrees against me on 2nd shot (south west for example)  then I just go with the 45 degree ignoring completely whatever the tee shot was.  

    Is this wrong?  

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 5:45 PM

    No, Jay and I think I see your confusion. You're doing it right-i do it exactly the same way.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 5:58 PM

    Thanks YJ you guys scared me here. 

    Andy with all his misdirection  lines had me going! 

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2010 6:35 PM

    To sum it up... Note the wind on the tee with respect to the overall map... this is the 'truest' it will be throughout the entire whole.  When you play your next shot, it is likely that your view to the green will not be as straight as when you teed off, thus making the wind 'appear' to have changed direction.  I think Andy is saying that you should trust the wind direction you noted when you teed off... note that the overall map never rotates for the duration of the hole.

    Personally, I have never looked at it this way, I will have to try it out.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Feb 10 2010 9:02 AM

    Thanks Lee, well stated.  This is working well for me on those strange offset views.

    I played nine holes with jayjonbeach last night and even with my on course tutelage I'm afraid he still doesn't get it.  I believe all my lines and arrows have him confused. 

    In an attempt to bridge any cultural gap, I've redone one of the above photos for my Canadian friend Jay.  I hope this helps.  Just trust the beer eh? 

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2010 4:44 PM

    EH?     :) 

    Hehe Nice work Andy as usual though I think you guys have been sharing some of Vemmie's stash.....

    Maybe we better play another round to see where the wind really blows  


  • chiefxyz
    58 Posts
    Sat, Oct 29 2011 1:12 PM

    in all my expereances g is right study the flite of ball in window at bottom right of screen .

    if the flite of ball is at 2:00 o'clock in window. look at wind direction if its at say 10:00 o'clock .

    you got a 90 degree crosswind from right.

  • udome
    391 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 8:17 PM


    Thanks for everyone's input.  Turns out  AvatarLee, TallPaulAce, YankeeJim and Boffmen are all correct!

    Here's the results of my shot.

    First I snapshotted the wind on the 1st tee.  Then overlaid the wind direction on the "hole snapshot" as Boffmen called it on the right.


    I dinged my second shot after aiming directly at the flag and snapshotted the replay from camera one and the overhead aerial camera.  I again overlaid the wind direction on the right hand "hole snapshot" (blue arrow) and added a bright green line from the ball to the flag stick.



    As predicted by the panel of experts the ball landed about 2 yards left of the flag so proper aim would have been 1 or 2 yds right of the pin.  This little right to left wind is clearly shown on the "hole snapshot" overlaid with the aiming direction and the wind direction.  Congrats to the experts.

    I've played a couple of rounds now noting the wind direction on the tee, and even taking a small piece of a post-it note and sticking it over the "hole snapshot" to refer to on my second shot.  I'm handling the wind much much better thanks to this whole discussion and exercise.

    Before, I was thinking the wind indicator was relative to the line from the ball to the flag (as it is for the most part on the tee boxes).  I got some interesting results on my second shots to say the least.

    For TallAcePaul, this method works great for those extremely offset camera angles.

    *edit*  Oh yeah, my shot ended up 9 feet past the hole and I made the putt. :~)

    Hello again Andyson.......just call me DUMB or DUMBER,but i didnt understand a word of that,but i no you are a very smart man,(but your golf needs some work).-----........I use my meter to aim wind now,as dinging is just too hard.This method seems to work for me,so does what your saying still count for me???Please friend me again,and explain to me.....LOL