I'm still confused.......and really not good at reading the wind on those off center views, they're killin' me in the high wind tournaments.
And also not sure TallAcePaul and AvatarLee both use the same method.
Heres a photo of a 2nd shot at BP #1. (right click and View Image for a bigger pic) The aiming triangle is dead on the flag.
I've added:
A red vertical line down the center of the photo as TAP mentioned. To me this is the camera position for the photo of the hole.
A light blue arrow at the ball indicating the wind direction shown in the upper right corner.
A bright green arrow drawn from the ball directly at the pin. The aiming arrow.
And the aiming arc mentioned by ALee.
Would both TallAcePaul and AvatarLee (and anyone else for that matter) please be kind enough to post their analysis of this shot, where they would aim, how far left or right and why?
Must tell you both upfront I do have the results of a dinged shot aimed exactly at the flag and shows the effect of the wind. The result really surprised me.
Thanks in advance for your help.