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WGT Nation

Wed, May 4 2016 5:54 PM (81 replies)
  • davedennis
    28 Posts
    Thu, Sep 13 2012 9:47 AM

    hahaha, the way I look at it is, if WGT wishes me to have a flag, they will invite me, if they don't want me to have one, they won't invite me, it won't stop me playing the game and having fun.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Sep 16 2012 5:23 AM

    There is no answer/point guessing what it takes..was playing every day for 5 months,setting up cc tourneys (with prizes),entering 2 RGs a day,probably buying a sleeve a day and had sunk around $500 (at that time) into the game...but no invite till I hit Legend. To be honest I had forgotten all about it by then -- Was sort of proud to be one of the very few T/M's without...The one thing I didn't do was invite friends to play so still haven't got that 'green dot with the cross on it' before my name ( if that's what that denotes ?? )  MAYBE that's it ???....Andy  (now I'm guessing !!! lol)

  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Sun, Sep 16 2012 6:10 AM

    It's a little crazy. I got it when I was still an amateur iirc and had only been playing about a month.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Sep 16 2012 8:21 AM



    WGT NATION is free to join and is by invitation only for WGT Legends and players Level 90 and above, as well as a limited number of other top customers invited by WGT.

    Sorry, you're not eligible for the WGT NATION, but we'll email you when you are and please check back again.


    Note that its by invite only. And only if you're above lvl 90, within Legend tier or have received an invite from WGT in your email.
    Seems the invites sent out to members emails, is restricted to top customers.

    For players who have reached either Legend status or Level 90 or above. I`m at Master tier lvl 90. Became a member at level 90. Top customers, are those who contribute to the game by funding tournaments and generous giving.


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Sun, Sep 16 2012 8:39 AM



    WGT NATION is free to join and is by invitation only for WGT Legends and players Level 90 and above, as well as a limited number of other top customers invited by WGT.

    Sorry, you're not eligible for the WGT NATION, but we'll email you when you are and please check back again.


    Note that its by invite only. And only if you're above lvl 90, within Legend tier or have received an invite from WGT in your email.
    Seems the invites sent out to members emails, is restricted to top customers.

    Well, in my case I have to go by the level 90, because wgt cares nothing about me being part of the community or paying money, which I put over $100 into this site since starting. I played just little less than Hyena, and he has suggested to check everyday on eligibility page. I checked at least twice a day, and still nothing. So I guess its officially I have to wait to level 90. This is really the reason I been having some hard posts in the forums, but oh well. I know people say why worry about it. They haven't had much for the Nation to worry about. I just like it because its an accomplishment. Like moving up a tier is, and making an eagle is or earning badges. Trying to be as friendly as possible, and trying to help others on this site is not good enough for me I guess. Looks like you need over 500 posts in the forum too.


    Top customers, are those who contribute to the game by funding tournaments and generous giving.

    Must be a lot of those. I had one in my friends list as a pro at level 70 something with the flag. I seen very many off and on with levels 80+ with the flag, and few lower levels.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Sep 16 2012 9:43 AM

    Top customers, are those who contribute to the game by funding tournaments and generous giving

    Got nothing to do with it..Andy

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Sep 16 2012 10:29 AM

    All I know is it's about time we had another tournament.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Sep 16 2012 10:33 AM

    Thx for the heads up on the green button  2Dam..And come to think of it I have invited a 'friend'...but I call him Dad !! lol...Andy

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Sun, Sep 16 2012 2:34 PM

    I'm not in "the nation" been invited many a times. Decided not to until I could see how it was rolled out.

    All that I see/hear is that everyone got a free sleeve of balls, and was able to play in 3 maybe 4 tourney's. These tourney's where unlimited play and the winning score for my tier was 50. Now I along with the other 99% of legends here are  not capable of these scores, so it's sorta pointless to enter them.

    I'm glad i'm not in "the nation" it's makes me more exclusive than the all who have the tag.


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Sun, Sep 16 2012 8:33 PM

    I don't think "Exclusive" is the word for me. More like "Out of Place" for me. Kind of like if I was still in High School it would make me the nerd and the Nation people the jocks for popularity. I can't no matter what I say or do anything helps me for this site anyways. No matter if I write the nicest things or not. No matter if I am in a CC. No matter how much I put money for credits. No matter how many friends on my list. I am still "Out of Place" on this site. If you could understand that, then you know why I would like the have the flag. Since, I have been ignored by those things I mentioned, and I have been there, done that, and it gets me no where. So I guess I will post when I want to in forum, and play when I want to, and maybe. That is Maybe. I will accept the Nation when they offer it, because it is a little turn off in what they are doing.