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You must do it cold turkey when you quit !

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 27 2012 4:35 PM (26 replies)
  • giraffedog
    144 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 8:20 PM

    That 1 again?

    Well guess you get another chance to see your name in print, bag.

    Post-wh0re......nothing of value except ridicule, and usually a re-tread at that   -  known a lot of people with your "little man syndrome" and used to feel sorry for those that have to self-elevate............but, hey - do carry-on.....making me grin at your situation.


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 8:22 PM


    Oh feel sorry for me wh0re.

  • giraffedog
    144 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 9:01 PM 

    You chose to can't help your height, but can rise above the stupidity you've continually shown...............i mean seriously, bag  -  you're mocking someone who has stated that you post-wh0res are trying to play the hero all the time, while showing zero substance, no leadership (?), and basically making fun of your fellow players who have legitimate concerns..................

    Take a look through your last few 1000 posts  -  arrogant, superior, and us rookies being corn-holed are your fodder.

    You and your ilk oughtta take a pill, realize that all here is not perfect, and that some totally weird sh1t has occurred....................and that you're a dick....and a post-wh0re.

    May stick around just to remind you, 'cause cyber-bullies really p i ss me off.

    But, just me..........I could be wrong.

    N'aaah, you're just a dick.

  • TrufflIE
    524 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 9:13 PM


    You chose to can't help your height, but can rise above the stupidity you've continually shown...............i mean seriously, bag  -  you're mocking someone who has stated that you post-wh0res are trying to play the hero all the time, while showing zero substance, no leadership (?), and basically making fun of your fellow players who have legitimate concerns..................

    Take a look through your last few 1000 posts  -  arrogant, superior, and us rookies being corn-holed are your fodder.

    You and your ilk oughtta take a pill, realize that all here is not perfect, and that some totally weird sh1t has occurred....................and that you're a dick....and a post-wh0re.

    May stick around just to remind you, 'cause cyber-bullies really p i ss me off.

    But, just me..........I could be wrong.

    N'aaah, you're just a dick.

    maybe you should quit whining and quit the game already.

    just go play TWO you piece of @#$%...

    because honestly, nobody gives a rats @$$ what you think...

    Starting drama on the forums, so childish and immature. get over yourself, and learn to play the game, maybe you wont cry so damn much.


    I'm a post whore too... So why don't you just go stick your superior attitude where the sun don't shine.

    Call M a cyber bully if you'd like, you are the only person who feels that way. well, maybe the rest of the idiots without an ounce of common sense. M is one of the nicest people i've met on here, and I wish idiots like you would gtfo the site. 



    You are just trying to start drama like a 12 year old girl.

    worthless trash.



  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 9:59 PM

    N'aaah, you're just a dick.

    I may very well be but consider this Alice.

    I didn't run to the forum complaining and looking fr a hug.

    Nor did I make the "grand gesture" with my equipment and 1100 credits and ffer up a "yard sale".

    But, to this date and time you have gifted one damn thing and still your bag is full.

    So, since I didn't say it on your wall I will say it  here for all to see and read, go eff yourself, but wait, you can't, cause if you don't have the balls to leave, well, you don't have the balls to make that happen either.

    And, by the way, nice to see ya checking up on all my posts, I do love a groupie.

    Need a signed pic?

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 11:18 PM

    yo why yall all up on my posted thread here. Man get off n go fight somewhere else dude.

    See this what I am talking about .YO WGT GET RID OF THEM WE DONT WANT THEM WE DONT NEED THEM

    This kind of of stuff is what will kill your community and ours WGT.

    Do something about it. Quit hiding and saying freedom of speech and stuff . Nowadays you can get sued for ruining ones rep even if it is only in a forum.

    Guys go make your own threads if you not gonna stick to subject or help people. I for one am tired of these lil kid thingies. Go away.


    Yo MB let it go your better then this.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 11:23 PM


    Well, assume that was directed towards me, or so my tin-foil hat tells me.

    I reserve the right to quit, will honestly answer why to the reasons, but also reserve the right to troll until I get someone worthy to take over about 2000 credits worth of gear and another 1000 in the bank.

    Be-bop above states he's only been here 2 months, but apparently has it down cold...good for you and pleasant dreams, ol' status awaits.

    On another note, never been bullied into anything, and not gonna start when I'm the 1 paying for a product that does not even remotely live up to its premise.

    Customer service..........ppfffffft.

    Attempted theft..........................yep, still "whining" about that.

    Call me what you will  -  my yap may get me in trouble, but I do not lie, nor do I start beaking-off unless a very good reason.






    You talking to me ? Assuming this post I started is for you?

     I was not directing at anyone in particular. All im saying is dont talk about it be about it. Nobody cares if people quit so no need to tell the whole WGT community about it. This aint real life.

    I was not directing towards any 1 person in particular.

    If quitters need a hug just ask for one. Dont boohoo in here and then expect everyone to go "oh please dont quit we love you and all of that"

    Childish dude.



  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 11:29 PM

    Yo MB let it go your better then this.

    You're right PJ, I let him get to me, and after accepting his challenge will respond no further to him.

    I just hope he will be on at noon EST as he requested.

  • giraffedog
    144 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 11:35 PM

    More reason now to stay....if only for that signed pic.

    Never considered you a bully, Truff, nor had a problem.........fine, I can understand where you are coming from, and to be honest, maybe have whined too much of late, especially about wgt's lack of customer support.

    My offer to give away is genuine, just not to some bloated post-pig who gets his jollies at the expense of others.

    Could give a rat's as$ as to your opinion of don't know me, will never know me, and your following the "company-line" speaks volumes.

    Leave? Reconsidering just to be a thorn................why?................pricks who use their status via post-wh0ring to impose their brand of idiocy on others  -  seen it happen a decade ago and watched all fall to sh1t....the game, the players, the site.

    Yep, I may be a dick for having the mbaggs to voice my opinion, but "alice" don't live here anymore, and if i recall, she didn't take too kindly to being led around by the nose either.




  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 11:45 PM

    Guys really got a hard-on for wgt. On second thought, guys really got a hard-on for the world. But who the hell am I eh?