Just me here, but here goes.
Reasons to stay:
1, Great game.
2, Great friends, live meets in our CC.
3, My competative nature.
Reasons to leave:
1, Dinged shots go OB, wind adjusted.
2, Dinged shots land 20 yards short (wind and club adjustments included).
3, Prices sky rocketing (unemployed).
4, Dead cert putts lipping out constantly, even from only a few feet away.
5, Super rounds suddenly taking a nosedive, EG: -8 over 10 holes suddenly followed by 2-3 bogies etc despite hitting ding on shots.
6, Multi accounters not been punished.
7, Surveys constantly not paying out.
8, Favouritism to some nations (survey creds, freebies, avatars, eligibility).
9, Inability to win jack sh*t, despite playing a great round.
10, The sense of not having control over my game.
11, Possible birdie shots suddenly turning into bogey shots from an errant shot, EG: my full shot from 45yards in 40% rough acting like it was chipped and only going 2 yards. Despite knowing i played the right shot/club etc.
12, Breaks that dont show on putting greens go sideways, breaks that do show go straight. Even though i know the hole and how it usually plays.
13, Correct putt strength acting like it was hit on a rocket scale.
14, shots with full backspin landing after the hole, but continue to roll away (clevelands and nikes) See number 10 above.
15, shots with no spin landing before the hole, but spin back by some 6-7 yards (clevelands and nikes) See number 10 above.
16, some rounds where it seems every single shot hits a hill, and rockets forward by 30-50 yards, See number 10 above.
17, Shots/putts stopping dead over the hole, when you know in your heart it should be in.
18, A sense of something not being right about scores? I know there are some cracking scores to be got, as i almost got a -19 1 day, shot a 58 with 1 eagle, and lipped out the other 5 or 6 holes, but to do it day after day, constantly???.
19, See number 10, lol.
The game is great, it does have its flaws, and lots of them. I log in each day just to try and build credits to pay for balls etc, and dont play much now. Prices are only going upwards when the economy over almost the entire world is taking a nosedive. I love it here, but who knows, if i get a job i could just pack it up and leave. Will have to cross that bridge when it comes. BTW, not a moan, just an observation on my behalf.