let's all be nice now - Anthony we will try to do better
hopefully our actions will show you. take care
This wgt guy has obvious goodwill and class. Kudos.
Improvements needed? Hell, yes! Even great things can get better. But players constantly blaming the game for their own inadequacies is plain wrong.
I do, however, see areas where things can be improved (I have brought this up in detail here and there in the forum):
1) Eliminate the limit of rounds past which the average can no longer be adjusted upwards, while maintaining a level of tolerance that allows the uncharacteristic worst rounds to be ignored in the calculation.
2) If possible, increase the consistency (front and reverse views) of the putting grid, and hence its readability.
3) Some of the wild deviations mentioned by some players may have some merit after all. Please do look into that.
4) Create an upper legend tier, called Champion, for sub-60 legends, with farther and harder hole locations, and championship greens. I am positive this is entirely feasible. Also create a special champion status for the top 20 or so players, called Hall of Fame.
5) Issue a greater variety of clubs at all levels with subtle differences, so as to minimize boredom. Currently, there is but one dominating choice for competitive legends: the R11's. I get so tired of them at times, I use the lesser G20's just for a change. Mind you, the 180 yard R9 with the Burners 2.0 are a defensible option as well. Still, my suggestion stands firm.
6) Create a complete list of wgt members, ranked according to their tiers and averages, with red flags for players with few ranked rounds. Surely, this would by no means be a perfect representation of actual skills, but it would be better than nothing.
That's it for now,
All the best!