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WGT needs improvement

Sun, Sep 30 2012 3:37 PM (55 replies)
  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 8:03 AM

    If you make new tiers then make the clubs be tier specific. If players have already purchased those clubs so be it, they can keep them. That's what happened when you changed it last time. All the players who had the higher level clubs got to keep them (me included).

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 8:24 AM

    Good thread. I'll add some things I posted before since this seems to be a good place to summarize complaints.

    I will start with two things that generate plenty of complaints and plenty of anger and frustration: 


    1. Lost balls
       Sometimes it's you, sometimes it is assisted by a meter issue or simply an "aggressive" "lost ball" zone  like some tiny bushes on St Andrews. It hurts to lose a ball that cost a dollar or more when you know that in real life that ball would never be lost. 
      Solution:  Give us back the balls at the end of the round
    2. Inconsistency
      Maybe the game is not as inconsistent as we sometimes believe, but we upgrade our equipment and when it does not behave as we'd expect, we blame the game.   
      Give us a driving range  so we can test how much extra length we get with our new balls, clubs, with different kind of spin. So we can see which club is is getting longer with backspin and with one is getting shorter. Example: I had 142 yds with 4mph headwind, hit a full 145 G10 with Nike balls and about 10% backspin. It landed at 140 yes. Next hole I had 168 yds, 4mph headwind. I took similar shot, 175yds club, full, with 10% backspin (figuring it would roll a bit considering green). It landed at 184 yards. Maybe that is not inconsistent at all if you really consider that clubs characteristics, but it sure felt like a robbery

    Tournaments... I have not entered any for a very long time so I do not know if it has changed, but it was possible to win some credits at one tome. Then the payout system was changed and winning was pretty much impossible. Don't know what to do about that that, but I guess this sandbagging issues needs to be addressed and more tournaments should be, regardless of tier, from the same tee (excluding players that normally plays from a longer tee than the tournament is set for. 

    But really - give us back the balls, there is nothing to win by making us angry and buy cheaper balls or quit. 

    Oh, and make more equipment, specially the really good clubs, tier specific rather than level. That would inspire people to advance to a higher tier rather than just level up.


  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 11:41 AM

    If you make new tiers then make the clubs be tier specific. If players have already purchased those clubs so be it, they can keep them.

    +1^ for clubs for each Tier......

    just pondering.....

    WGT should be able to create a new it what you like..say'Tour Legend' as was previously suggested.  Have that Tier for avg 59 & lower.....Championship greens only & lessen the forgiveness for shots for all the courses (like WGT did for the Olympic course the qualifying round). No need for advocating tee boxes to be further back...impractical...!!

    But the difference would be in addition to these Tiers having their own tournaments, that there would be also be regular tournaments where only 'Legends' could, if they wished, participate in with the 'Tour Legends' that you still get to pit yourself against the best.

    Also,at least those who will never make avg 59 or less will be able to compete within their own Tier & enjoy the game rather than getting disillusioned......and those that want to go further have another challenge & goal to aim for.....



  • crgade
    490 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 1:01 PM

    agree to dividing the legends into two groups

    as a legend who plays most days but is just average I have no illusions of competing against the best (hats off to them keep it up)

    but is discouraging knowing that I can not compete in rg's or other tournements in order to win credits

    ( will not go near  or talk about surveys)

    suggestion for lost balls if its in the water its gone

    but what about if its lost in weeds it only loses half or a quarter of its total strokes ????

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 7:49 PM

    The there is also some annoyances that could be addressed:

    1. The aim cursor being underneath a camera more often than not
    2. The idiotic caddy that suggests that you chip as soon as you get close to the green although a chip is impossible. I think many newbies have been scratching their heads. Happens to experienced players as well 
    3. Greens that has more details in the surface than the putting grid can reveal. How are we suppose to handle that? This is a particular problem at Whistler
    4. Make it possible to see basic slopes on the greens from helicopter view.
    5. When selecting course, you suddenly get thrown into a another screen for a track that you want to highlight and you have to start the whole Create Game process from start. And the music that is on some courses. Currently it is Olympic that throws you out of the selection process. Very annoying
    6. Did I mention the lost balls in my previous post?
    7. The fact that we can not replace individual clubs in the iron set. Come on WGT! Here is a good opportunity to have  players storming to the Pro Shop to buy wedges and rescues!
    8. After finishing the multiplayer, there should be a "leave course" button that allows us to say goodbye, thank each other the game, make friends, ask if a re-match is tempting and so on. Now the game just throws us out of there.
    9. Scorecards! The really great rounds many of us would like to keep!
    10. Scorecards! Let us see the scorecards of the other players in tournaments
    11. Forgot to mention: Give us back the lost ball after the round (or have I mentioned it already)
    12. The dot rating in the Pro Shop does not seem to reveal the differences correctly, better to have absolute numbers 0 - 100.
    13. Everybody looks like clones, some in clown outfits
    14. Tempted to mention... I have to: Give us back the balls!

    Regarding the meter: A "light" meter should be offered as a selection for those who have trouble getting it smooth. One without gradients and maybe one that is just a dot moving. The faded one likely to be more demanding. Pre calculate the movement speed after considering the ball so does not have to be done while meter is moving,


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 8:16 PM

    I just want one thing...

    Whenever a putter is selected, default to the smallest putting scale.


    Ya I've tossed crap at a few before, but lately it's been biting me.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 4:21 AM


    I just want one thing...

    Whenever a putter is selected, default to the smallest putting scale.


    Ya I've tossed crap at a few before, but lately it's been biting me.

    Similar as the chip selection I described above. Maybe a "No caddie" option should be added?


  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 6:07 AM


    let's all be nice now - Anthony we will try to do better


    hopefully our actions will show you.  take care

    This wgt guy has obvious goodwill and class. Kudos. 

    Improvements needed? Hell, yes! Even great things can get better. But players constantly blaming the game for their own inadequacies is plain wrong. 

    I do, however, see areas where things can be improved (I have brought this up in detail here and there in the forum):

    1) Eliminate the limit of rounds past which the average can no longer be adjusted upwards, while maintaining a level of tolerance that allows the uncharacteristic worst rounds to be ignored in the calculation.

    2) If possible, increase the consistency (front and reverse views) of the putting grid, and hence its readability. 

    3) Some of the wild deviations mentioned by some players may have some merit after all. Please do look into that.

    4) Create an upper legend tier, called Champion, for sub-60 legends, with farther and harder hole locations, and championship greens. I am positive this is entirely feasible. Also create a special champion status for the top 20 or so players, called Hall of Fame.

    5) Issue a greater variety of clubs at all levels with subtle differences, so as to minimize boredom. Currently, there is but one dominating choice for competitive legends: the R11's. I get so tired of them at times, I use the lesser G20's just for a change. Mind you, the 180 yard R9 with the Burners 2.0 are a defensible option as well. Still, my suggestion stands firm.

    6) Create a complete list of wgt members, ranked according to their tiers and averages, with red flags for players with few ranked rounds. Surely, this would by no means be a perfect representation of actual skills, but it would be better than nothing. 

    That's it for now,

    All the best!

  • hatcojack
    410 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 9:00 AM

    if you can't afford the balls DON'T PLAY or use free starter balls!!!  no one forces you to BUY them!

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 9:34 AM


    Wow a new tier, where are those tee blocks going to be from. Holy Crap,  we are already in the parking lot.

    They are not moving the Tees.... You will be playing for the greens one hole further on:~)) LMAO
