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WGT needs improvement

Sun, Sep 30 2012 3:37 PM (55 replies)
  • anthonyvp1
    212 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 5:53 PM


    I keep banging my head on this game because it feels SOOO good when I stop.

    Besides WGT does not care about the players in general, just how much can they can  get from players.

    Supply and demand does not mean hold back supply to create a demand.

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 6:07 PM

    That is far from the truth...  We do care about the players and try to improve the game with each new release. The first page of posts had a wealth of really constructive feedback that we are taking to heart.  We can't make everything happen immediately but we promise that we are continuously investing in this product to make it the best for a long time.  For the long time players, I hope they see that this product has been shaped by a lot of their feedback.  We do listen. Thanks for your patience.  Hopefully you will see some improvements from the comments made earlier in this thread.  I thank those of you who gave the thoughtful and constructive feedback, KUDOS.

  • twichipper
    424 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 6:26 PM

    Howdy BC, I am responding to you in total agreement.about a month ago I sugessted to make another tier level, calling like " hall of famers or like you said super legends., and for that bracket to consist of averages 58.5 and lower. This would place all the real good ones and any "cheaters" that have to use their prgrams to illegally obtain cheap stuff to fiil their EGO.

    I am a legend also with a best 18 at 62 and a best 9 at 27 one time each.I know almost every lil trick in the book for this game , but I remain human.I also have alot of time due to disability, but still no gain, So I hope more plyers will petition this site to make a new tier for the average, good rule abiding, enthusaistic people to at least have an outside chance to win a good tourney.

    Call me for a game anytime , at least we could have a sensible

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 6:34 PM

    twichipper (I love the name btw) and the rest of the folks, we will look into adding a new tier.  Not sure if it can been done but please note it is officially being considered.

  • wldthng016400
    250 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 6:49 PM


    twichipper (I love the name btw) and the rest of the folks, we will look into adding a new tier.  Not sure if it can been done but please note it is officially being considered.

    PLEASE.................  pro........ tour pro........same tee's.......... master........tour master...........same tee's............ legend.......whatever you wanna call it.........same tee's. 

  • wldthng016400
    250 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 6:52 PM

    how about......... LEGEND ELITE?

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 7:19 PM

    we will look into adding a new tier.  Not sure if it can been done but please note it is officially being considered.

    WGT needs to prioritize. There absolutely needs to be a new tier, and "Tour Legend" is a good name for it.

    Everyone will sincerely appreciate you answering concerns in the forums. Please give us a better prediction of the "Player Suggestion List". It hasn't been updated since November 30, 2009.

    A lot of players have offered some very good ideas that would address the issues with this game. Also, if WGT would better communicate the ideas that their working on with the players, it would maybe give them a sense of hope for what's to come with this game.

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 7:40 PM

    Good point Richard , we will update this list a lot more consistently - our bad

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 8:50 PM


    Good point Richard , we will update this list a lot more consistently - our bad

    Where have you been for the last 6 months Mr Admin?

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 9:13 PM

    I know.  A lot of you are thinking... "Well, I guess you should suck it up and get better!".  Maybe, but I have a life outside of WGT tour; unlike these guys who must play this game dusk to dawn, 24/7/365 to be that good.

    Lighten up Bro.

    4th place is good too!