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WGT needs improvement

Sun, Sep 30 2012 3:37 PM (55 replies)
  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Thu, May 24 2012 3:34 PM

    I have been  away for roughly 6 months now and every once in a while i poke my head in  here to see what is going on. Several times i would play a few holes. The one thing i have noticed is when i have a look around......nothing has changed. WGT really needs to start thinking a little more outside the box to create a new buzz here. The game needs a jumpstart if you will, i see more and more players leaving as i did and i just don't see an incentive to come back right now.  I miss the game from time to time but not enough to want to come back.

    Most of the problems we all complained about are still here and the prices for merchandise have just gone through the roof. The same players seem to be winning the majority of the ready go's and larger prizes.....seems to be a breakdown here that eventually makes the common player or even players like myself just one day decide to say enough is enough.

    All in all i would say its very disappointing and would have thought that game improvements and deviations would have progressed further to solution by now. Apparently not....i was really thinking of coming back for a while ...... but one quick check of the forums and seeing all the same BS was enough to deter that.

  • Sandra0303
    4 Posts
    Thu, May 24 2012 3:42 PM

    Starting to think this game is total BS.  You buy and buy and buy the balls, but one thing you can count on is one way or another that ball will go in the water no matter how good you hit the ball.  COUNT IT GONE!  So you can buy more!!  I sure won't spend anymore money on them.  Normally you buy something you get to keep it.  Hell with this game you don't even have to lose the ball it will be taken from you after so many plays.  I'm sure going to make sure I spread the word.  It has already been spread to me from others.  People are getting fed up and I'm one of them!!!

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, May 24 2012 4:11 PM

    Play it to pass whatever spare time you have. I comment on the forums, play a few AS matches or Match play. When I made Legend I thought I would go all gung ho. It was the total opposite, way to far between levels, would cost too much for balls, even if you didn't lose any. I still enjoy my friends, but I am not obsessed with this anymore. Still lots of fun, but I don't have the need to log on as soon as I open my eyes in the morning. It's a game, I still enjoy the challenge, but it is not a need anymore.

  • birdiecolorado
    3 Posts
    Thu, May 24 2012 6:28 PM

    I am like you; used to play religiously... every day.  When I made Legend I thought I would enjoy the game even more, but I actually enjoy it less.  There are two primary reasons for this: (1) the game hasn't changed much in the two-plus years I have been on here, and (2) I get sick of seeing the same players win the tournaments every week.  BollixinBruges, damdamcam and genorb win a tournament everytime I look at a Leaderboard.  It's ridiculous.  They shoot scores like -19 and -20!  No one can compete with that, and it simply takes the fun out of the game.

    These "uber-players" should have their own category... like "Super Legend" or something and make it so they have their own tournaments, so the rest of us "mere mortals" that shoot -10 and -6 can actually have a chance.

    I know.  A lot of you are thinking... "Well, I guess you should suck it up and get better!".  Maybe, but I have a life outside of WGT tour; unlike these guys who must play this game dusk to dawn, 24/7/365 to be that good.

    It simply takes the enjoyment out of the game for everyone...

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 1:28 AM

    That is why in another thread about adding new nike clubs, that I suggested adding newer tiers like tour legend, and utlimate legend. At least it would make it more interesting. I think with these tiers though should be made to take a long time to get to though. So it make you play more.

    2,580 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 2:55 AM

    Just me here, but here goes.

    Reasons to stay:

    1, Great game.

    2, Great friends, live meets in our CC.

    3, My competative nature.

    Reasons to leave:

    1, Dinged shots go OB, wind adjusted.

    2, Dinged shots land 20 yards short (wind and club adjustments included).

    3, Prices sky rocketing (unemployed).

    4, Dead cert putts lipping out constantly, even from only a few feet away.

    5, Super rounds suddenly taking a nosedive, EG: -8 over 10 holes suddenly followed by 2-3 bogies etc despite hitting ding on shots.

    6, Multi accounters not been punished.

    7, Surveys constantly not paying out.

    8, Favouritism to some nations (survey creds, freebies, avatars, eligibility).

    9, Inability to win jack sh*t, despite playing a great round.

    10, The sense of not having control over my game.

    11, Possible birdie shots suddenly turning into bogey shots from an errant shot, EG: my full shot from 45yards in 40% rough acting like it was chipped and only going 2 yards. Despite knowing i played the right shot/club etc.

    12, Breaks that dont show on putting greens go sideways, breaks that do show go straight. Even though i know the hole and how it usually plays. 

    13, Correct putt strength acting like it was hit on a rocket scale.

    14, shots with full backspin landing after the hole, but continue to roll away (clevelands and nikes) See number 10 above.

    15, shots with no spin landing before the hole, but spin back by some 6-7 yards (clevelands and nikes) See number 10 above.

    16, some rounds where it seems every single shot hits a hill, and rockets forward by 30-50 yards, See number 10 above.

    17, Shots/putts stopping dead over the hole, when you know in your heart it should be in.

    18, A sense of something not being right about scores? I know there are some cracking scores to be got, as i almost got a -19 1 day, shot a 58 with 1 eagle, and lipped out the other 5 or 6 holes, but to do it day after day, constantly???.

    19, See number 10, lol. 


    The game is great, it does have its flaws, and lots of them. I log in each day just to try and build credits to pay for balls etc, and dont play much now. Prices are only going upwards when the economy over almost the entire world is taking a nosedive. I love it here, but who knows, if i get a job i could just pack it up and leave. Will have to cross that bridge when it comes. BTW, not a moan, just an observation on my behalf.


  • carltonmad
    112 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 3:15 AM

    hey u hit it on the head   totally   agree


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 3:30 AM

    Dinged shots land 20 yards short (wind and club adjustments included).

    Yes, or left and right in straight wind or travelling their full distance in 18 mph headwind, or not getting effected by tailwind

    The sense of not having control over my game.

    This is the biggest point, how many times have you aimed 10 yards left to compensate for wind, you ding shot, yet ball starts off from the pin, its default position not your aim marker.

    Breaks that dont show on putting greens go sideways, breaks that do show go straight. Even though i know the hole and how it usually plays. 

    This is why i think putts are either programmed to drop or miss.  How many times in a "hot" round have you missed ding on the break side, a putt which usually would go wide sails straight for the cup.

    shots with no spin landing before the hole, but spin back by some 6-7 yards

    Happens all the time if you are short of the hole or land right by it, but it never seems to happen when you over shoot, ball will even roll FORWARD!

    Super rounds suddenly taking a nosedive, EG: -8 over 10 holes suddenly followed by 2-3 bogies etc despite hitting ding on shots.

    I've seen it plenty of times, -7 or -8 for front 9 then back 9 its like i'm playing with starter clubs and cant buy a birdie, and easy holes i will always get mad deviation to stop me. Or vice versa, i may struggle on front, but then game clicks into gear and i birdie nearly all the back.  Just like i had a set score of 60, and i was not allowed to beat it.  I've entered a country club tournament at best of hardest with leader on 68 thinking what a easy score to beat, only to be +3 by the 6th hole getting the worst deviation and strange shots i've ever seen instead of withdrawing i carried on, then back 9 if i missed ding by an inch i would still land within 2 yards! and scored -7 so i too got 68, and a close friend who is 57 average also experienced a total deviation strange round and he too scored 68! if that doesn't raise an alarm, what does?

    sense of something not being right about scores?

    Myself i can maybe get a couple of round under 60, then i know i'm going to get a round or 2 with mad deviation and really struggle and either withdraw or post a crap score.  Maybe the "top" players just dont get deviation like i do. LOL....

    Multi accounters not been punished.

    They do when they catch them, or if we report them.

    Although there's many flaws with the game, and its getting more like a online casino, although you need 50% skill, the rest is now luck whether you get the shot you intended, but although iknow all these things are happening, there's nothing we can do about it, and i know if i do get a crap round, the next one might be a good one and i forget all about it, and yes, I dont play as much as i used to, but i still cant completely stop playing here.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 3:40 AM

    A lot of these points may be true but it's still the best golf game by a mile.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 3:47 AM

    A lot of these points may be true but it's still the best golf game by a mile.

    And WGT know this thats why they can get away with charging us $4.50 for a pack of balls that will last the day.  Because non of us are going to be leaving anytime soon, what else is there, baseball?????..lolololol