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C'mon WGT, be honest....

Tue, May 29 2012 7:51 AM (67 replies)
  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 1:43 PM

    of course clearing your cache from time to time is a good thing in general, regardless if you're playing wgt or just browsing the internet....but associating cache with precision and forgiveness is just sheer speculation..

    I disagree, but whatever.

    I do agree with Hawk and Lee. Its not the game causing errors with shots, or everyone would see problems.

    Talk about speculation!

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 2:05 PM


    I do agree with Hawk and Lee. Its not the game causing errors with shots, or everyone would see problems.

    not everyone would see problems....many might not even notice.....many could care less.

    not everyone sees problems at the same time either....else the forum would be chocablock with complaints about it.

    problems/vem/wonky results etc will effect different people at different times.

    many games of skill do have in built randomisers.



    980 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 4:21 PM


    problems/vem/wonky results etc will effect different people at different times.

    Agree. Just skilled players can notice that, expecially those ones that have a mathematical approach to the game. WGT will not care if 30 players will get annoyed of that, if all the others are ok and don't notice it.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 4:28 PM

    I guess I don't notice. No since in getting annoyed about something I can't do anything about.

    Play on, play well is my attitude. It isn't like a sub-30 round can't be achieved.

  • NukeRat
    325 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 4:31 PM


    I gotta be the luckyest person on this site!  Had problems with the meter when I 1st joined.  Took some advise, read some forums, spent couple hours "tuning up", now if there is a deviance it is vem, or me.  My vem is only a slight thing, never what I hear from all the others on the forums.  Either I'm very fortunate with the vem, or it hasn't found me yet?  My Nickle.


    Same here.  

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 5:14 PM


     It isn't like a sub-30 round can't be achieved.

    sub 30 round?

    29's are useless these days in rg' won't even get your entry fee back in most rgs.

    even a'll need much luck to get a tie for 2nd or 3rd place in the majority of them.

    when you get one quirky shot, vem, strange shot result or whatever during a 9 hole rg and the birdie chance is missed.....then more often than not.....1st place is gone and you'll be shooting for 2nd or 3rd place ties.





  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 6:26 PM

    Well that's why we see things differently tbe. I can't play Ready-Go's. I just play for fun and try my luck at the weekly and monthly tournaments. A sub-30 round in the weekly tournaments will yield some decent credits. Although not like the Ready-Go's.

  • jvr86
    799 Posts
    Sun, May 27 2012 10:45 PM


    there's less skill involved in this game's more a case of pot luck and what's already been decided for you before a ball's been hit.




    ... even every ready to go you enter you are playing poker; you will have the amount of deviation the moment you tee off. so I you grab a bad dev, there is nothing you can do. nothing will drop, shots will go long or short, putt will not break, wind will not take effect...etc. and you can be dinging all your shots and be playing good... no matters, is not you who decide your score. 

    Your skill will only be the difference between having 50% back or nothing. 

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 3:01 AM

    The reason I asked the original question is cause I play RG's and lot's of MPC's. 

    As TBE said 1 stroke can make a huge difference in a RG, it could be the difference between 1st and tied 2nd with 10 other players, making roughly 350cr difference to your ptize, and that's based on the 100cr RG. Something similar applies in the MPC, if you are playing a very good player, often 1 hole bad hole on either side is enough to take the lead and hold it till the end. Now, I could get lucky and have this happen to my opponent, resulting in a win for me, To be honest, this deviation does not happen to me every round (good round or not) but wouldn't it just be better for it not to happen at all?

    Now please, don't get me wrong, I do know the difference some deviation and a crap shot (of which I have many) So I am not blaming all my bad shots on VEM, aliens or any other reason the universe might not like me. However, when I ding my shot and the ball doesn't go where it should...well, that's just not right.

    To the players that say that they that their shots go exactly where they aim every time and they have no problems...I have to wonder, why aren't you guys better players? If my ball was going perfectly every time, I sure as hell wouldn't be happy with 68's.

    Anyway, I'll go grab a tissue and stop crying now, overall as we know this is a great game tons of fun. I just want bad shots to be cause of MY mistakes and not something else.


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 4:12 AM


    i'm hearing this more and more with folks I play alt shot with.

    there's less skill involved in this game's more a case of pot luck and what's already been decided for you before a ball's been hit.

    Been saying this for ages, as a player who's tabled his irons, with no spin full spin etc, etc, a few months ago my shots would be dead accurate, i knew with full spin my 150 iron would be roughly 145 yards, no spin 158 yards (with Nike's).  Now, full spin with 150 iron gives me 152, 154, 147,145 depending on how generous WGT feels that round.  Same when i use no spin, i might get 150, or 158 its pot luck now. (example: on hole#2 memorial ctth 142 yards, hole had 14 feet elevation, i hit 150 iron with full spin, ball went 154 yards, taking elevation into consideration, say 157 yards! when i used same shot IN SAME WIND previous round and HOLED IT!)

    Again i just got 158 yards from my 150 iron with full spin when previous attempt it was 146! (replay)

    But the biggest problem of all is aiming, hitting ding, but ball starts off from DEFAULT position,  PIN, not where you moved aim marker & also wind not effecting shot.

    Also, i see putts the same, its got to a stage now where i think the putt either drops or it doesn't.  You could adjust for break on one hole take putt and ball goes straight and wide, but next time you play it, ball might turn and drop.

    All this is probably to curb scoring, its like online casino now, 50/50 with skill & LUCK, whether shot turns out as you intended, or WGT deviates it.  The last 3 Country club tournaments i entered all had scores of 68 at top of leaderboard(easy score to beat you would think), i never ever witnessed so much random shots in 3 different rounds, myself and 10 others all could not beat 68, except for 1 player who got  60.  Most of these players with 68 were 59 or better averages, the winner must have been the lucky 1 who got no deviation or positive deviation.  So when you're paying $5 for a tournament, you hoped that every one got a fair crack at their best score, not hindered by blatant deviation, such as 100 yard wedge travelling 100 yards in 18 mph tailwind!  This has putt me off entering another country club tournament, so in the end, its WGT who's loosing extra revenue

    Would you expect Usain Bolt to run the 100 meters in soft sand and a pair of wellies?