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C'mon WGT, be honest....

Tue, May 29 2012 7:51 AM (67 replies)
  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 4:21 AM

    But the biggest problem of all is aiming, hitting ding, but ball starts off from DEFAULT position,  PIN, not where you moved aim marker & also wind not effecting shot.

    And this was my point in the original post, glad to see I'm not going crazy.

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 5:17 AM

    The people saying their game is perfect, no meter probs, no dev, they aren't lying. They are flat out FOS. Period. Been here for over a year, have done everything under the sun to get a solid stutter less meter and it still goes nuts when it wants. The deviations are worse than ever. I build gaming computers, I don't do bloatware, and I can build and set up a box in less than 90 mins from parts to up and running on any OS. My pc plays any game under the sun, maxxed out graphics with AA and AF as high as you can crank them, at well over 60 fps, but when it comes to WGT, it's all about WHEN you play.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 5:48 AM

    it's all about WHEN you play.

    Yes, quiet servers+ smooth meter

  • kensabre10
    3,028 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 8:03 AM

    dont know the details like you do, BUT i do believe they have gotten more players than they can handle. it is infurriating, and they need to address it!

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 1:30 PM


    The reason I asked the original question is cause I play RG's and lot's of MPC's. 

    As TBE said 1 stroke can make a huge difference in a RG, it could be the difference between 1st and tied 2nd with 10 other players, making roughly 350cr difference to your ptize, and that's based on the 100cr RG. Something similar applies in the MPC, if you are playing a very good player, often 1 hole bad hole on either side is enough to take the lead and hold it till the end. Now, I could get lucky and have this happen to my opponent, resulting in a win for me, To be honest, this deviation does not happen to me every round (good round or not) but wouldn't it just be better for it not to happen at all?

    Now please, don't get me wrong, I do know the difference some deviation and a crap shot (of which I have many) So I am not blaming all my bad shots on VEM, aliens or any other reason the universe might not like me. However, when I ding my shot and the ball doesn't go where it should...well, that's just not right.

    To the players that say that they that their shots go exactly where they aim every time and they have no problems...I have to wonder, why aren't you guys better players? If my ball was going perfectly every time, I sure as hell wouldn't be happy with 68's.

    Anyway, I'll go grab a tissue and stop crying now, overall as we know this is a great game tons of fun. I just want bad shots to be cause of MY mistakes and not something else.


    Now listen closely, as you must not have done when you read my orginal post.  I don't play as well as others, just as you do not.  There is such things as break lines, differant green speeds, wind speeds, variations in smoothness of fairways and greens, differant balls with differant characteristics, clubs the same.

    With all of this going on, plus more i haven't remembered, no one can expect to hit their mark as often as they like.  I only hit my ding 60 - 70% of the time!

    My point was I do not have METER problems!  Got it this time???  MY NICKLE,  ps: do not try to correct some one else's entry if you do not read or comprehend what they wrote!  again MY NICKLE!

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 1:43 PM


    The people saying their game is perfect, no meter probs, no dev, they aren't lying. They are flat out FOS. Period. Been here for over a year, have done everything under the sun to get a solid stutter less meter and it still goes nuts when it wants. The deviations are worse than ever. I build gaming computers, I don't do bloatware, and I can build and set up a box in less than 90 mins from parts to up and running on any OS. My pc plays any game under the sun, maxxed out graphics with AA and AF as high as you can crank them, at well over 60 fps, but when it comes to WGT, it's all about WHEN you play.

    Your geek expertise sounds wonderful.  Do not have a clue what FOS means, surly it is not derogotory?  However much, you or any one else (read, The Big Breezy) does not believe I do not have ANY KIND of a meter problem.  Based on this and the fact that I did have a problem 2 years ago.  I can not blame WGT.  At least not for meter concerns.  By the way I am fully capable of seeing a vem when it occurs.  I do not know how any other person could possiably know what I see on my screen when you can't even see the other players break line when they putt.  Some players here seem to know all the answers.  If true why then does The Big Breezy still have meter issues

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 2:03 PM

    Are people using programmed deviations for excuses for not posting a winning score in the Ready-Go's?

    Will anyone ever admit they didn't compensate correctly for the wind, or that they misread a putt?

    How can anyone be so arrogant to not admit their own fault during game-play in this game?

    Its been proven. Just because you hit ding, it doesn't mean your going to get the result you desire 100% of the time. This is the nature of the game.

    The sooner players realize this, the better off their game-play will be.

    There shouldn't be no excuses from Legend players, period! IMO.

  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 2:30 PM

    II played Olympic several times yesterday. In a Par 3, I had almost the same wind twice... One 8 mph in the first, the second 9 mph, both exactly tailwind... I was over 200 yds to the hole, but from tee and with a tailwind, I decided to use no spin at all in the first. Used the 190 yards club... DING... ball lands before the hole and rolllllllls... passed the hole by like 6 yds. When I got my 9 mph wind in the next game from the same direction, I said, ok, first time the ball rolled more than 10 yds up the hill, now I need to use at least a tiny bit of backspin, it will still roll, but less, and leave me close to the hole... DING, again... now what? Ball stopped dead, dead, dead, leaving me still like 10 yds short. C'mon WGT, be honest... Two similar shots, both dinged, the second had even a negligible 1 mph extra .. and I get over 15 yards difference? So I kick you if you don't use backspin but also kick you because you do. I did play both holes the same way, only added a tiny backspin!!!! How can a ball stop dead like that in a green that goes uphill with tailwind? This game is a fuc... lottery!!!! The ball stops 3 feet from hole on a downhill like Oakmont 1but in your next putt you get 5 inches down in 3 feet!!!!

    I had a 15 feet downhill putt breaking to the right and the fuc.. ball went straight, left me 4 ft from the hole... UPHILL putt. Everyone knows uphill putts break less and even more if you hit them hard.. so I tried to do it, just missing the ding right, and the ball broke like 5 inches total... So a downhill putt doesn't break 3 inches but an uphill putt pushed breaks like 5 to the left? That's pure BS... I have been in the same side of that hole from 20 feet and the ball has gone nearly straight... I am not the best, but I have thousands of games played here... I know well when they are vemming me, and lately it's been crazy. It can get really bad when you are risking your money.

    If you want to see big differences, try a CTTH game. Use the distances you normally  use in any other game. Hardly any works!!! It's designed to make you restart several times. It takes skill, no doubt, but it's a lottery.

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 2:41 PM

    My point was I do not have METER problems!  Got it this time???

    OK sparky, obviously not the brightest crayon in the box. Did you read the original post? Richard,(I actually respect your views, but don't think you understand what I'm trying to say) you may want to read this too...

    I never said anything about meter problems or wind affecting the ball as much or as little as "I think it should". I was saying that on some holes, especially the par 3's (and not every time), with a dinged shot, starts on a different line to where was aimed.... 

    For E.G, let's say you have a 190 yrd shot with a  6MPH right to left wind, you aim a bit right to compensate for the wind (still with me?) then you ding your shot, but the ball starts outside of the line you placed, the ball comes back slightly with the wind and eventually ends up where you originally aimed. That's the variation I'm referring to. Not meter stutters, missed dings or crap shots. Understand what I'm trying to get across? 

    Now this doesn't happen every time, but does seem to at some really inopportune moments. 

    P.S Lee, I typed this very slowly, so you could keep up... 

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 2:42 PM

    There shouldn't be no excuses from Legend players, period! IMO

    Call this what you will... Played two rounds yesterday. First round, nothing came anywhere close to where it should have. Missed shots were way off, good shots were almost just as bad. Downhill putts hitting a wall in front of the hole, uphill putts fly by rocket-propelled. Second round, Ready-Go at Whistler, every shot had radar for the pin. Good shots were spot on, bad shots were just a hair worse. 4 out of 9 approaches ended up 0.4 feet from the pin. 2 were deserved, 2 shouldn't have been anywhere near the green. A couple badly missed drives fly to dead-center fairway, end with a 28 after a very poorly played round. That's not an excuse, it's an observation, and it's the REALITY of the game. A good shot should yield a good result, a bad shot should not. The gameplay is becoming more and more of a crapshoot.