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Wed, Mar 30 2011 8:53 AM (25 replies)
  • JMPP
    28 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 7:36 AM
    Why are the masters greens always very fast,also the pros always fast?? Reality?? come on. The real pros don't always have very fast or fast greens. When i play real golf green speed varies from fast to slow. so what gives.? Also why alway howling winds at St Andrews? Check there web site. It show the weather, including wind speed, and it is not always howling. In fact it seems to be other than that the majority of the time. St Andrews is 6 hr ahead of my time, and it is between 11am and 4 pm there when i check it.
  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 7:46 AM

    There's a thought!  WGT could coordinate all its courses with the live weather at each of its golf courses.  Based on immediate climate and weather technology.  So when the winds are light at St. Andrews in Scotland, they're light in the game version.  When it's raining on Long Island we get drizzled on at Bethpage.  And in January when the snow is deep in Pennsylvania we have to play orange golf balls at Oakmont.  Eh, maybe not...

  • JMPP
    28 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 7:59 AM
    All i'm suggesting is they should mix up the wind speed more. and the same with the Green speeds. If never seeen a real game of golf where the wind speed or the Green speed depended on the skill of the player. My local courses vary from slow (wet) to hard and very fast.
  • mrboo
    211 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 8:08 AM

    I agree, i see plenty of PGA tournaments where the greens are running slow. And unless I'm missing something the entire world doesn't have sustained 15- 30 mph winds at all times. Just look at the first round at Augusta, those greens were running slow. I think the fear is that people would shoot crazy low scores. I think it would be just the opposite if everyone had to re-learn green and wind speeds every week. Plus, just a change would be nice.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 10:06 AM

    It would be sweet but perhaps difficult to rate our green speed by stimp meter gauge. I would love such an advantage. My putting is so bad I wish for any improvement or more clearity with regard to speed.

  • micklen
    221 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 11:00 AM

    Yes I would like the to see mixed green speeds in the tourneys.  I won't say boring, that's not right, but it's a bit 'samey' always having extra fast.  In a way it actually makes it easier as you only have one putting style

    So come on, let's have some different green speeds in the tourneys lads


  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 3:59 PM

    I would REALLY like to see them mix it up also to keep us on our toes, fast, slow, very fast etc, don't see why we shouldn't play a bit of all of them and easy to implement though maybe very fast should be the predominant one as it probably is the hardest. 

    I'd also like the see a "pop-up" at the beginning of a round that alerts you to the green speed, especially if they start changing....

  • mrboo
    211 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 4:46 PM

    Meh, a stimp meter could run about the same as the current greens. Just be a more precise science and make it a little more interesting. I've played a lot of virtual golf, never seen the stimpy meter applied. Great idea. I imagine WGT would have to get rights to it.

    Also like the little pop up idea. I know I've gone into a few ready-gos with slow greens, not noticing the slow greens, thinking they were as usual very fast. After my first putt comes up 6 ft short I remember, but a little reminder would be nice. =)

  • duffer66
    700 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 9:06 AM

    The main word here is variation, my god I.m so tired of seeing the same conditions over and over again. I also agree on the wind speeds, heavy 95% of the time, I might as well be playing in a wind tunnel. Lets have some variation people.

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 10:39 AM


    The main word here is variation, my god I.m so tired of seeing the same conditions over and over again. I also agree on the wind speeds, heavy 95% of the time, I might as well be playing in a wind tunnel. Lets have some variation people.

    Can't you change those conditions in a practice round?