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Wed, Mar 30 2011 8:53 AM (25 replies)
  • Showtime29
    70 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 2:27 PM

    Drove by Bethpage State Park the other day and dont think anyone would have been on the virtual course , lol.

    I have never played on greens of ice...but I think I'd like to try.*

  • duffer66
    700 Posts
    Sun, Mar 27 2011 4:20 PM

    Well, a year has gone by on deaf ears. I'm beginning to believe WGT does not care about our concerns. After all, we are the beta testers for this game and if they don't want our input to make this game a state of the art sim shame on them. I enjoyed playing Links more then this game.

  • ForrestLeigh
    264 Posts
    Mon, Mar 28 2011 12:37 AM

    Links, now there was a proper game, 20+ courses, cases ladder, no random fluctuations, if I hit 130 into a 20 headwind I'd get the same result each time, not sometimes ten yards over, or ten yards under etc, I'll never be as good at WGT as I was at Links - (I've got my game disks if you ever want to be nostalgic and have a round lol)

  • GGO2
    27 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2011 4:40 AM

    "All i'm suggesting is they should mix up the wind speed more. and the same with the Green speeds."

    Absolutely, positively, undeniably, and compellingly TRUE! I also find, as a tour master, that always having to contend with tournament greens and heavy winds is unrealistic and tiresome.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2011 7:47 AM

    I feel your pain, since making Master this game has gotten worse by the

    round. My Club buddies have been asking where I've been. I got to the point

    where I may have only one 3 putt if that per round. The last week I have had

    3 - 4 - or more and have dumped the round. Last night was on 4 greens in

    a row putting for bird and 3 putted all of them, finally gave it up for the night.

    It is really not close to the real thing anymore, I don't play this bad in real

    golf, not on the greens anyhow.




  • GGO2
    27 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2011 8:53 AM

    To be fair, it is not the tournament greens (or the heavy winds, for that matter) that pose a problem, as far as I'm concerned, but the fact that tour master tournaments subject you to those harsh conditions almost systematically. In the end, all manner of greens (and winds) can be figured out with practice, but tournament greens, especially at Oakmont, are still a b*tch to deal with, regarding both the landing of approach shots and putting.

    As a rough guideline, consider the following for flat putts above 10 ft,

    slow : stated distance + 1 forth of that dist,

    standard : stated distance + 1 sixth of that dist,

    fast : stated distance,

    very fast : stated distance - 1 sixth of that dist,

    tournament : stated distance - 1 forth of that dist.

    Clearly, any upward or downward slope (calling for this approx. formula : distance number in feet plus or minus height number in inches = putting distance number in feet), not to mention side slants, must also be factored in.

    I hope that will help :-)