To be fair, it is not the tournament greens (or the heavy winds, for that matter) that pose a problem, as far as I'm concerned, but the fact that tour master tournaments subject you to those harsh conditions almost systematically. In the end, all manner of greens (and winds) can be figured out with practice, but tournament greens, especially at Oakmont, are still a b*tch to deal with, regarding both the landing of approach shots and putting.
As a rough guideline, consider the following for flat putts above 10 ft,
slow : stated distance + 1 forth of that dist,
standard : stated distance + 1 sixth of that dist,
fast : stated distance,
very fast : stated distance - 1 sixth of that dist,
tournament : stated distance - 1 forth of that dist.
Clearly, any upward or downward slope (calling for this approx. formula : distance number in feet plus or minus height number in inches = putting distance number in feet), not to mention side slants, must also be factored in.
I hope that will help :-)