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Tue, Jul 3 2012 4:43 AM (143 replies)
  • swannyxx
    303 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 6:45 PM

    Thank you for your response.

  • borntobesting
    9,767 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 6:46 PM


    But this game is so realistic because the people who shoot 53 on here actually believe, in their miniscule and itsy bitsy minds, that they can actually compete with the pros IRL.

    No they don't. That's absurd.

    I do believe you've made your cynical point. Here's something that fixes that-imagination. It's OK to enter Fantastland once in a while and imagine you could actually do in RL that you can here. That's what makes it fun. Just add 10 strokes to everybody's score and then look at it.  :-)

    10 only? You would have to add about 25 or 30 to mine. 

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 7:09 PM

    Looks like the pros are having a hard time with the course in the RW.

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 8:43 PM

    The course really beat up the players today.


    Olympic   1

    PGA pros 0

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Jun 14 2012 8:48 PM


    The course really beat up the players today.


    Olympic   1

    PGA pros 0



    I run a PGA style tournament for our CC and man Congressional ate us up there as well.

    I love this game. Wish I could use Olympic on CC tournaments. How about opening all courses or at least a few more to CC's WGT ? Please ? Gets old doing the same courses over and over again.

  • Daskino
    2,781 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 2:27 AM


    I have to say. Playing Olympic on WGT gives me a much more pleasurable experience watching the US Open. I feel like telling them the break on each putt!

    Lol, same here, JC. And sometimes I found myself thinking "hmm, you're not on the best spot on the green here".

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 3:24 AM


    It's a balancing act... keeping the game accessible for first-time players around the world vs. the seasoned WGT veteran definitely affects the scoring.

    However, that said, we don't want scores in the 50s either.

    In the coming releases there will be a series of features that will better address this.  And then, when that happens, a round like Bubba or Phil's today...

    ...much more likely.

    Stay tuned!

    This being said Mr. C, how about the average Joe as myself? The game is very challenging for me as well as many other WGT'ers  the way it is set up and programmed now. If it becomes anymore difficult to pull off a couple birds every now and again dont you think players may get completely frustrated and in turn not "enjoy" the game as much? 

    Observation; I think we all lose sight and understanding when it comes to the TOP 50 players on WGT. There is a handful of  players that will "consistently" shoot these off the wall low 50's on up. When you consider how many WGT members there are, 50 even 100 players are a drop in the bucket that will consistently shoot extremely low scores. For the other hundreds of THOUSAND of players, we all work hard at shooting par golf or a bit below par. We all have our are hot streaks. No matter what we do every shot is a great shot, but then the very next day we are right back in the garbage and cant pull off a decent shot to save a game. 

    My point; expressing how challenging the game is now (for most), in its present stage.

    Final view; The players that shoot these great scores of 52, 53, 54 etc, etc, are veteran gamers. This is what they do. This is a game that they love to play and that they came to master. These players "worked hard" at becoming THE BEST. AGAIN - if you look at a TOP players score history I think you will be pleasantly surprised at HOW MANY games they have played to become a TOP 50 player. I am still amazed at how many games some of these players will play on a DAILY basis.

    LAST; A BIG thank you to CN and all of the WGT staff. WGT has definitely changed over the years and I feel confident in saying, the changes have far exceeded all of our expectations. GREAT job WGT. edge... 

  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Fri, Jun 15 2012 4:04 AM

    WGT are going to be damned if they do and damned if they don't on this one. The main gripe of unrealistic scoring is pushing WGT to make changes to increase the scoring level. On a personal level, I am completely behind this decision if they do make wholesale changes to the game as I want it to be as realistic to the game of golf as possible. However, this will not affect who wins tournaments but it will merely change the level of scoring needed to do so.

    Will someone who currently scores between 64-80 (probably 90% of the players on WGT) be happy to continue to plug away at the game if their scoring suddenly goes up by 10 shots per round (Edge's argument made above)? WGT need to tread carefully to appeal as widely to their player demographic as possible otherwise it could seriously jeorpardise their long-term future.

    I'm very much in favour of making the game harder but for a specific tier of player (probably sub-60 legend). The game should not change for the masses as they (so to speak) haven't mastered their craft yet (no offence meant to players in this bracket). Surely it would give a further incentive to players to want to tier up to a stage where the game becomes radically different and more challenging?

    The bigger prizes should be made available to this tier as the main bait to lure people into wanting to play the harder game.

    Just my thoughts though....