MioKontic: Someone asked in another thread about a 'starter clubs and balls' tournament. There are a lot of tournaments going on at the moment, but most seem to be for the top players of the game, so I am prepared to run a starter clubs/balls tournament for anyone who wishes to enter, no restriction on tier or level.
It is (and always has been) in the original post (1st paragraph) that it is only starter clubs and balls, but I don't mind reconfirming...
starter clubs and balls only to be used
No Beginner clubs (including putter) because not everyone has them and no Starter Plus clubs as they are pay-for clubs.
If anyone forgets to change before the game, simply inform them on the first tee and set the match up again. Please don't simply bail and then post here as that is not necessary. And for those who play RG's etc, don't forget to change back afterwards!