I've been wanting to say something about the scores in the 50s for a while. I do not begrudge those who can shoot WGT scores in the 50s, after all, this is not real golf, it is a video game. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the WGT game. I find it to be be pretty accurate. Still, it is all about mainly hand / eye coordination and doing some computations to allow for wind, rough, etc.
As I have played, I have lowered my scoring average. On an 18 hole round on WGT, I usually shoot from upper 60s to lower 70s. On a really good day, I might do better and on a bad day, I might do worse. I find that my scores are more in tune with what the PGA Tour golfers do on a regular basis. And that is just fine. I couldn't go out and shoot my WGT average in real life golf, and I KNOW that those who regularly score in the 50s on WGT couldn't do it in real golf. If they could, they need to be on the Tour. Scores of 59 are pretty rare in the history of the PGA Tour.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is a video game and that the low scores (50s) are to be expected, but yet, are unrealistic relating to real golf. If one spends enough time clicking and figuring and getting the upper level equipment, then the low scores are a natural result. After all, it's software and a computer.
I do not shy away from competition (say match play or alt shot) with Legend tier golfers. What I try to avoid are the open tourneys where the Legend tier folks tend to dominate. I know I can't compete on a shot for shot basis with them. Yet.
Just for what it's worth......