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Frustrated amateur

Fri, Jul 20 2012 8:53 AM (10 replies)
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  • lexmarkz33
    8,662 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 8:53 AM


    Dear all,

    I tried to look for a Country Club to join today yet about every Club that has highly profiles there with active plays and tournaments etc...., also has a restriction, call it a ban or fobia against hacks and amateurs. Being rather new to WGT and having the amateur status, I am frustrated to see that there is little to no room for me in a CC with my status where I only seek to be active AND to play often, automatically resulting in upgrading tiers.

    Fact is that for now, any CC that bans the lower ranked people, yes people!, is worthless and futile in my eyes and I would never consider joining any of those. I rather have a longer look for an active Club that is open to all, although those form a big minority here it seems. Big pity!!



    v     “CREDITS TOURNAMENT”….Play Free! We play for credits every Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm EST. The purse consist of “1000 Club Bonus” plus handicap credits (optional)….which is forfeited into the winner’s account or gifted from the pro shop. We use a world clock….so you have a personal tee time, but everyone play at one time… the same tournament.


    WEEKDAY “Play For Balls Tournament”…

    v     These weekly tournaments are designed help you practice for the weekend “CREDIT TOURNAMENT”....and bag some balls in the process. Also free and is updated daily with your handicaps shots. Enter and play on the regular WGT tournament page (you play alone). The winner gets his choice of 3 pack of golf balls. Handicap shots are allowed! 


       If you have a 78.00 average or better, and can play in the “CREDIT TOURNAMENTS” on Sunday afternoon occasionally. Tired of playing alone in tournaments…. and would like to play free for credits and balls….then your membership is welcomed! Simply apply on the “country club” page in the WGT Community at the top of your pro file page




    JOIN US!

    OWNER: Lexmarkz33 (Bill)


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