TBE, comparing the 3W tee shot on CCC #2 to the fairway shot on CCC #6 is apples and oranges and its not a fair comparison. Using FBS Callaway Z L35 ball and the same R11 3W as you, I charted the carry distance this far: Off the Fairway = 230 yds Off a Tee = 246 yds. The ball goes much further with 3W off a tee.
OK , that being said I did my own research on the CCC # 6 fairway shot. Using the WGT single hole facility I hit to the fairway on #6 then wedged to approximately the same spot on the fairway as you. 251 - 252 yds out. I also managed to get slight headwinds. I used a Nike L48 as you did. Here's my replays:
Full BS 100% 3W into ~1.5 mph headwind gave 238yd carry
No BS 100% 3W into ~ 2.5 mph headwind gave 229yd carry
Obviously the ball carries farther with full backspin into a headwind. Piztaker is right.
I have no doubt you used just a bit of backspin. When I compare the screen shots of the replay trajectories of your shot and my shots. Your shot trajectory is very close to my no spin trajectory. It is much lower than the full back spin trajectory.
You didn't use too much backspin. If anything, you used too little backspin. Try half or even 3/4 bs?
Having hit several of those fairway shots this morning I did notice a propensity for the ball to be drawn to the water. My ball finished right of where I aimed on the No BS shot and it had a r to l wind.