I'm not sure why no one has brought up the obvious solution, and it is absolutely the easiest to implement. I have mentioned it before, but I'll try to spell it out here.
If you start a ranked game, you HAVE to finish, PERIOD. You quit, get disconnected, someone quits on you, whatever...when you try to play your next game, you have to finish as a single, before playing another game.
How easy is it to implement? Remove the quit feature all together. If someone leaves, disconnects, whatever...the game saves, and everyone has to finish it before they can play another game. Simple.
What would this do? Well, for starters, it makes quitting a game pointless. Secondly, it probably would make people's scores and averages a lot more in line with reality. In real golf, after some bad shots, you don't get a do-over and start back at the tee box. Thirdly, tournament scores would become a bit more realistic. The top players will always rise to the top, so it doesn't affect them at all. The way the current system works, when you enter a "unlimited" type tournament, if you aren't happy with your first few holes, you can just quit and restart. Under this system, you have to play the full 18 before you can try again. Way more realistic system.
What is the downside? None. WGT loses nothing financially, they may even come out ahead because every stroke is more wear on the golf balls. The players lose nothing, because quitting for the sake of quitting is virtually eliminated. Further, scores always become reflective of how you shot that game. The forums GAIN by having way less complaints on here.