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Completed multiplayer game information: love it or hate it

Wed, Jul 11 2012 7:48 PM (49 replies)
  • Vardon60
    29 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 5:20 PM

    Paula Creamer... I'm single! ;)

  • IvaThongon
    933 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 6:21 PM

    I'm not sure why no one has brought up the obvious solution, and it is absolutely the easiest to implement. I have mentioned it before, but I'll try to spell it out here.

    If you start a ranked game, you HAVE to finish, PERIOD. You quit, get disconnected, someone quits on you, whatever...when you try to play your next game, you have to finish as a single, before playing another game.

    How easy is it to implement? Remove the quit feature all together. If someone leaves, disconnects, whatever...the game saves, and everyone has to finish it before they can play another game. Simple.

    What would this do? Well, for starters, it makes quitting a game pointless. Secondly, it probably would make people's scores and averages a lot more in line with reality. In real golf, after some bad shots, you don't get a do-over and start back at the tee box. Thirdly, tournament scores would become a bit more realistic. The top players will always rise to the top, so it doesn't affect them at all. The way the current system works, when you enter a "unlimited" type tournament, if you aren't happy with your first few holes, you can just quit and restart. Under this system, you have to play the full 18 before you can try again. Way more realistic system.

    What is the downside? None. WGT loses nothing financially, they may even come out ahead because every stroke is more wear on the golf balls. The players lose nothing, because quitting for the sake of quitting is virtually eliminated. Further, scores always become reflective of how you shot that game. The forums GAIN by having way less complaints on here.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 6:35 PM

    Sorry Iva... that makes too much sense.  There must be a drawback.

  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 7:36 PM

    I've never quit on perpuse,But I have been booted .and by misstake,Buy hitting the wrong red x..But thats not my point.

    Quiters dont bother me.I just move on.As this is part of life on a online game.Nothing will ever stop it.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 8:00 PM


    What if we displayed what % of multiplayer games each person completed on their profile and the match making lobby?

    I think putting the % of multiplayer games each person completed "somewhere", (the lobby would probably make the most sense) is certainly a step in the right direction. I don't think anybody would have a perfect % of games completed over an extended period of time. As the old saying goes, *hit happens. But the ones that complete their games or at least try to, their %'s would not be affected to much by the occasional disconnect due to an error code or something crazy like that. So I'm all in favor of this. Great idea their.  <waves his hand like a Jedi> "you will implement this".

                                                                                                                Master Yoda

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 8:02 PM


    I'm not sure why no one has brought up the obvious solution, and it is absolutely the easiest to implement. I have mentioned it before, but I'll try to spell it out here.

    If you start a ranked game, you HAVE to finish, PERIOD. You quit, get disconnected, someone quits on you, whatever...when you try to play your next game, you have to finish as a single, before playing another game.

    How easy is it to implement? Remove the quit feature all together. If someone leaves, disconnects, whatever...the game saves, and everyone has to finish it before they can play another game. Simple.

    What would this do? Well, for starters, it makes quitting a game pointless. Secondly, it probably would make people's scores and averages a lot more in line with reality. In real golf, after some bad shots, you don't get a do-over and start back at the tee box. Thirdly, tournament scores would become a bit more realistic. The top players will always rise to the top, so it doesn't affect them at all. The way the current system works, when you enter a "unlimited" type tournament, if you aren't happy with your first few holes, you can just quit and restart. Under this system, you have to play the full 18 before you can try again. Way more realistic system.

    What is the downside? None. WGT loses nothing financially, they may even come out ahead because every stroke is more wear on the golf balls. The players lose nothing, because quitting for the sake of quitting is virtually eliminated. Further, scores always become reflective of how you shot that game. The forums GAIN by having way less complaints on here.

    Been said by many before.  It is a good solution to help with the QUITTING!, but the other players will still lose the experience points. The experience points and the number of stroke games is what I play for.  My state does not allow playing for credits so that eliminates several types of games for those of us who happen to live in the wrong place.  my nickle.



  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 8:23 PM

    In re-thinking this percentage thing I have come up with a concern.  It is this, it must start sometime, somewhere, a Zero point must be established. 

     At Zero point eveyone wll be at 100%.  Anything that takes place after that  will ultimately start reducing the percentage.  So to get a real look at what the percentage means the total of all the games that are figured into the percentage must also be known.

    I can not see any reason NOT to include every single multi-player game of any type.  There are persons who do not, or can not play a certain type of game.  This should not make any differance in the percentage.  As an example,  94% of 132games, or for a person who doesn't play often or does not play multi-player games, 94% of 13.  It is still 94%.

    This will  tell you what is essentual, along with their level, tier, how long a member, and their oher stats" all of this information is now available.  The % of games competed can only help.  my nickle.


  • aceydeucey
    504 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 11:31 PM

    Been said by many before.  It is a good solution to help with the QUITTING!, but the other players will still lose the experience points. The experience points and the number of stroke games is what I play for.  My state does not allow playing for credits so that eliminates several types of games for those of us who happen to live in the wrong place.  my nickle.


    I suggested a while back to have WGT lock in the experience points for the number of players at the 1st tee.  The stroke points for each player would be added at the end of the round.

    So if a player quits during the round, at least the others who do finish do not lose the group's experience points.  

  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2012 11:42 PM

    It's probably good, maybe have it so that if they disc b4 having any swings it doesn't count toward it, since that isn't really a disc for "wahhhh bad shot i quit"


    also, would it count on alt shot, etc? I've certainly left some alt shot games where like a tour pro took a master as a teammate both with great clubs facing 2 pros with not so great clubs, obviously not a fair match so i said screw that





    I suggested a while back to have WGT lock in the experience points for the number of players at the 1st tee.  The stroke points for each player would be added at the end of the round.

    So if a player quits during the round, at least the others who do finish do not lose the group's experience points.  



    I've been saying that too x_x The fact that you can start a 4 player match and take 2 hours or w/e annoying amount of time it takes to do 8 holes and 3 people leave on hole 9 and you only get like 100-200 points is crap, I actually have had a person quit on the 9th hole before, I was mad :|



    also, if they do lock in a disconnect % thing, I'd say don't start counting anything and don't have it show anything until say, 20 rounds or something. If a guy plays 1 match and has a disconnect and it says 100% people will be wary, even though it was just 1 time.




    final edit: my overall solution would be to implement the "give XP based on 1st tee people" thing, so if a 4 person game happens and people leave, you still get 4 person XP, but not add a disconnect % just because you don't know the reasons. That way, people like me who do 4 person matches for the extra XP still get our XP, the people who have legit disconnects arent affected, and the whiners can go cry in a ditch somewhere for shooting a double bogey and not have it look bad -_-

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Wed, Jul 11 2012 7:48 PM

    thanks for all the great feedback