hi i recommend using chrome it has its own flash built in i recently changed back from ff to chrome and not crashed once hope this advice helps todman :)
Flash may not crash in chrome, but the meter is so messed up in chrome. I have not found a browser that fixes the meter better than firefox, but I can't use it do to firefox has over 1 million resources and crashes in a couple of hours at a time. Firefox has memory leak, and they won't fix it. So basically there is no browser that works perfectly for this game.
I just had to stop playing the game just now, because chrome is so bad with meter. The suggestions of fixing the meter on this forum is just repeated, and does nothing to fix it. It is almost waste your time fixing the browsers more than actually playing the game.
Yes, I have used Comodo Dragon. It works just as good as chrome, which is not good. I could have freshly installed windows with nothing on it but browsers to run the game and the meter would still freeze up. We are basically just screwed if you want to have fun without problems on this game.