Well I just heard back from sponsor pay about my credits. They say they can't verify my participation even after I gave them the # I was given. They are ripping me off & now I have all of their sponsers emailing me with all their offers \. NOT COOL AT ALL. BIG RIP OFFS.
I have about 12 surveys in the Report Problem list with Sponsor Pay. Can't do anything about it cause the survey I take never sends me an email that I can use to verify that I did complete the survey and get my credits.
Like you said... NOT COOL AT ALL. BIG RIP OFFS.
Samplico.us is another that lets me complete the entire survey, then tells me that their quota has been filled on the very LAST page of the survey. Oh.. they do have all my information though. This has happened twice on two different surveys, so bye bye Samplisuc!