OK, here's how this makes sense. There are Legends that have been here for a long time, and through having shot 1000s of rounds since becoming Legend, their top 400 gives them an average below 60, even though on any given day they normally shoot above 60. I know my average is 62 but my real average is really 64-65 or higher in single play. In unlimited it's a bit lower lol. And my average is still fluid. For some, it can only go down. So it would make sense IF the 100 round counter ONLY applies to Legends who have below a 60 average right now, and then the Tour Legend tier applied to those who play below 60 for the next 100 ranked rounds regardless of prior average.
I agree that for the large majority of legends who will be promoted tour legend, those additional 100 rounds doesn't make any sense. The only reason I saw for those 100 rounds is the one I mentioned above, namely to avoid promoting legends with an irrelevant low average due to low number of rounds played.
I also agree that those 100 additional could have been used to compute a new average (regardless prior average) in order to promote or not to tour legend. But then this would let the opportunity to some player to stay quite long (forever?) at legend tier and to avoid any promotion (they will probably be later some kind of sandbagging but at least this avoid to have it too soon).
I am sure they are introducing this new tier due to many threads where many legends were saying that they cannot compete as it is now. I was in agreement with them. They asked for a new tier together with tier based competitions in order to make more people competitive. I think it's not bad. Look at high stake ready-goes for example, the top 10 is composed most of the time by players among, let's says, the same 50 legends or so.
As mentioned, I believe MPC success and Skins or any other money comp (exc. CC tourneys) should figure into tiers.
Somehow yes, they should play into the equation.
Then again, I also favor making all completed ranked holes figure into average, not just those of completed ranked rounds... So if you shoot a +2 for 3 holes in an unlimited, restart and shoot a -4 31 over 9 holes, what your average reflects is a -2 45 over 12 holes.
I don't like too much that idea. Either you don't care about your average and this will not change anything or you care (to some extend) and what will happen? You will just finish every round you are starting, including the unlimited tourney. How boring this would be and what a waste of balls. And once again, this waste of balls is bad for those who have low credits, not for those who don't know what to do with all the credits they won. So the "weaker" players would pay even more for the "stronger" ones.