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BASEBALL: The Strasburg question

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Mon, Sep 3 2012 2:20 PM (43 replies)
  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 2:08 PM

    Going to tell on my age now but back in the late 60's (real late)...

    My first memory of sports from the Washington DC area was the hoopla surrounding Vince Lombardi coming to coach the Redskins.  I was 5 then (telling my age) so some very interesting things were happening to DC sports at an impressionable young age, and none of the memories involve the old Senators, despite them coming and going around that time.  But with the Lombardi thing, then his death and George Allen taking over the Redskins, and the Bullets coming to the area followed by the Capitals, and the Redskins Super Bowl loss in '72 (to Jake's dad's 'Phins), through the then-Bullets winning an NBA title ('78).  My memories of baseball from that time were of wonderful Oriole teams, the best fielding third baseman in history, the last (and one of only two) team to have four 20 game winners in the starting rotation (for trivia nuts - Jim Palmer, Mike Cuellar, Dave McNally, Pat Dobson).  Then the Sens left, and there was only Orioles.  A World Series championship and a World Series loss, another of each... Cal Ripken, the second best SS of all-time (maybe my all-time favorite pro athlete), Eddie Murray, one of the top five switch hitters of all-time.

    If it hadn't been for Peter Angelos... I probably to this day would be an Orioles fan.  I used to scoff at people who talked about 'Baseball in DC'.  It's not like I'd change a lifetime of allegiance just because they put a new team in my backyard, even though the team stunk from the mid-80s through the early 90s.  Then Angelos came in and actually did something good at first.  He brought in some good guys, an in-his-prime Robbie Alomar, an in-his-prime (the first time) Palmeiro, some pitching depth to go with home grown talent (Ripken, Mussina, etc).  There were mistakes, the first and worst predating this a little was Pete Harnish, Steve Finley, and Curt Schilling to Houston for Glenn Davis.  And no Series.  Then Albert Belle mishap, and Sammy Sosa... Tejada... then the fire sales and now the 'Pirates' mentality (read :loser and supplier of talent for winners)... The ship there may be righting, but I am no longer on it.  I jumped off for a few Angelos related reasons.  I started to despise him in his efforts to stifle a possible baseball team for DC.  He actively campaigned against it.  Despite the DC area's support of his efforts to help Baltimore get a football team.  SO I did not like him, and his refusal to let the baseball people on his staff make baseball decisions led me to begin to dislike the team.  It's hard to be a fan of a team you dislike, so I stopped being a baseball fan for a year or so.

    Then the Expos were moved and became the Nats, and they were kinda good the first half of the first season, and following their stats gave me something to do in the summer when there was no HOCKEY or football.  Then they sucked for a few seasons, though I could see potential... I started paying attention to what they were doing as an organization when Bowden left and Rizzo came in, and from then I could see the day coming when this was going to be a very good baseball team, so I got more interested.  And now I am hooked.

    To be honest, I think they tanked on purpose.  The Lerners bought an organization that was bankrupt of value pretty much when they got it.  And if anyone knows how to take something worthless and turn it into something of value, it's Ted Lerner, who took a $220 loan from his wife to rent a shopfront to found a Real Estate office that now has him with an estimated worth of $3.3B (that's B for Billion).  Teddy could buy the Yankees and their network with what he has left over after paying for his National League baseball hobby.  So I think that after the initial enthusiasm where a left-over team of Expos plus rookie Ryan Zimmerman was leading the NL East at the break, they quietly dumped all the servicable but mediocre major leaguers and tanked while rebuilding the farm system, drafting players that had signability issues and signing them to above slot contracts (something MLB had now outlawed, though for the Nats that wolf has already raided the coop), and then scoring big with Jordan Zimmerman, Strasburg, and Harper in the draft.  The signings of Gonzalez, the development of Morse into a cleanup hitter, the wise signing of Laroche, who has been a rock this season were all great, great moves by Rizzo.  They have a team that is built to contend for years, and they have no intention of allowing the Yanks or anyone else to pillage it.  The only, only worry is that Harper has always been a Yankees fan, grew up dreaming of being a Yankee (had his parents sought treatment then, the issue now may have been averted). He now professes that the Nats are his only team (he had his new Mercedes AMG custom designed with the Curly W on the back), but we'll see.  It won't be money issues that make him leave.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 2:47 PM

    It won't be money issues that make him leave.

    Nope, it'll be that ring and all the money Lerner can throw around  won't buy that. Ya gotta see the ball, hit the ball, catch the ball and win.  :-)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 5:37 AM

    That Damned Yankees remake could very well be happening IRL. Washington hit 20 games over .500 yesterday and now shares the best record in MLB with the Yankees. This is getting good because it looks like the Nats are for real.  :-)

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 3:59 PM

    Didnt Yanks sweep Nats this year? :)  Nats will be ok with pitching. Shut him down like Dr. said. Clippard 's a good closer and Storen is back. They did a good job through draft.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 4:47 PM

    LOL. I didn't want to pop JLB's bubble, Gazz. He seems quite psyched.  ;-)

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2012 8:05 PM

    Didnt Yanks sweep Nats this year?

    Yeah, sure did.  Didn't the Rays sweep the Yankees in the first series of the year?  Surprised the Yankees kept playing after that ended their season.

    Oh, you mean getting swept by the Rays didn't mean the Yanks automatically finished behind the Rays?  Oh sorry, I thought you assumed that since the Rays had swept the Yanks, that made the Rays a better team.

    Of course, then there is the Oakland A's who proved they are a much better team than the Yankees this past week with a four game sweep of the Bronx Bombers.

    So nah, mentioning the Yankee sweep of the Nats won't burst any bubbles.  Sweeps happen.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 7:06 AM

    Of course, then there is the Oakland A's who proved they are a much better team than the Yankees this past week with a four game sweep of the Bronx Bombers.

    Clown statement, bro. We'll see in October when it counts and those 3 rookies start wetting their pants, IF they get there.  Big if. ;-)

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 11:40 AM

    Clown statement, bro. We'll see in October when it counts and those 3 rookies start wetting their pants, IF they get there.  Big if. ;-)

    Nah, the 'Didn't the Yankees sweep the Nats?" was a clown question, and the "Didn't want to pop JLB's bubble" a clown statement.  I was just taking the logic exhibited by them to their natural conclusion.  If the sweep of the Nats by the Yanks meant anything, then the sweep by the A's of the Yankees did as well.

    Luckily, games in June, when the Yanks swept the Nats, don't mean anything but a game in the standings.  Now in October, if the Yanks and Nats meet and the kids are wetting their pants while the Yanks veterans are trying to figure out how come they can't hit the wet kids' pitches, then you can talk.  And it appears, if they do meet in the post-season, the Yanks will again luck out and not have to face Stras'.  He'll be shut down months before.

    Wonder how the Yanks would do in the post-season w/out CC?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 12:34 PM

    Wonder how the Yanks would do in the post-season w/out CC

    Maybe they win, maybe they don't. Pitching isn't what kills them anyway, falling on their collective  faces at the plate is.Sabbathia's overrated IMO anyway. A workhorse but definitely not a Verlander or Strassburg. Now Petite coming back to help is another story. As good as a trade right there along with Joba who is currently throwing as fast as  Strass and will be nice and fresh for the run.

    The key is if they don't, they'll get to try again next year. That's what you get when you build a winning franchise. Say what you will about the money, it's all about winning. Is Washington going to be like Philly? Remains to be seen and regardless of what Harper says now, you just know where he's going as a FA. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise and it won't be about the money. It's about winning year in and year out, not just one season. 

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2012 1:03 PM

    The cream will rise. I love baseball. Mo get well soon.