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New Tour Legend tier.

Mon, Sep 3 2012 6:10 PM (94 replies)
  • filmslayer
    2,340 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 7:57 PM

    kind of like the name calling , eh ?

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 9:54 PM



    yet one more reason for a legend to quit on a game ... just saying ...

    Geez, and I never had a level 91 TM with top gear quit on me before...

    Just saying...


    So what is it, can't putt?  Or just can't play well in all?

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 10:29 PM

    Sounds like this thread needs a lot of cheese with the wine.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2012 10:43 PM



    Appropriate about now....just look up a post;)

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 4:11 AM


    Sounds like this thread needs a lot of cheese with the wine.

    someone give the guy a nudge......he's starting to sound like a broken record that's stuck in the same groove.


  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 5:45 AM


    Sounds like this thread needs a lot of cheese with the wine.

    Too often in my long life have I made this same tragic observation: the smallest of people -- as regards their character, knowledge, or skill -- are always prone to take a perverse pleasure in belittling those who tower proudly over them.

    You are not scoring points, lad, you are losing them, and now you have gone broke. Go piss on another statue!

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 6:06 AM

    Don't mean to but in, but......... they are not going to just hand out Tour Legend Title's like they did the Legend title , no one is waking up and seeing they have become a TL, the first thing I did was look at a few guys , Genorb, BB, Kritz, Mongo, Aahna and a few more when they did not have the title i realized your going to have to work for it.

    It looks like they even did something to the way your AVG is calculated so just play harder, because of the way your AVG is being figured and I'm sure we'll get there ( I hope )   LOL


  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 6:09 AM

    And by the way, thebigeasy is a perfect example of an exceptional legend who has proven conclusively, in the course of more rounds than I care to count, that he has earned the Tour Legend status, and the opportunity to rekindle his love for the game with a new challenge. But no, wgt demands that he, the lesser me, and a host of other like legends -- who have already posted a dizzying number of sub-30 and sub-60 scores -- labor an obvious point, made a thousand times ad nauseam. Personally, I'm just weary, that's all, but then again who cares? 

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 6:18 AM

    Gold, don't let this get the best of you, whats 100 more games you will play them anyway, your consistent with your scoring. Just remember when you were a TM and striving to become a Legend. Hang in there buddy 


  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 6:23 AM

    Nice pep talk, my friend, but alas! as it stands, I am spent.