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How the new average is computed for legend

Mon, Nov 5 2012 5:45 PM (114 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 10:50 PM


    Why do RG's and CC's count towards these 100 rounds to qualify for the Tour Legend  tier ???   It should be 100 "ranked" rounds....end of story, not a bunch of low wind Ready Go or Country Club tourneys.

    Why does WGT keep spoon feeding the guys with these super low averages ??

    It's because they cant play to their averages if they play play under full conditions.....

    Hahaha.....What a joke !!

    Just saying...........I personally will endeavour to get to the Tour legend tier by playing each and every course the right way, I wont be taking any soft options.



    I guess we may look at things differently...personally, whether it's a low wind RG at BPB or a High wind RG at SA or RSG...I put my credits on the line...why do you think playing a "ranked" round at Oak, etc, is more difficult with nothing to lose, and you have th ability to quit the round...and just lose time, not 100/200/etc credits.?


    Enlighten me please.


  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 11:40 PM

    Thanks for the info Genorb, I hope the average also saturates again after the extra 100 rounds.  So far mine has only gone up a bit.  A complete brain in neutral round of 70 at BoF didn't help I suppose.




    1. Your PC must be the fastest without anything that will put interference in the game

    I really don't think a ninja PC is needed, I use one I made myself built around an AMD Athlon X2 4400 processor, hardly quick by todays standards and I hardly ever have meter problems.  The graphics card is nothing special either, own memory though which probably helps.   This game really doesn't need to shift huge graphics around so it's hard to see how a super computer is needed to play well.




     and players from lower tiers no longer want to play with you.

    Do you really find this?  When I was moving up the tiers I loved having the chance to play with a legend.  Sometimes a bit depressing to see them smashing the ball 280 odd yards (pre R11 days) off the tee and sinking putts from all over the place but a rewarding experience every time.

    I'm not disputing what you say in any way, just find it odd.




    ANother thing that I find disturbing is that you can't get a full set of clubs that have the same swing attributes.  So you have to try to get used to multiple swing speeds when you select different clubs.  Is it too much to ask to have a selection of clubs that yields a common swing speed?

    This might be annoying but it also means these mythical auto-click programmes can't be used for every shot.  Assuming they can be used for any at all that is.  They would depend on the meter taking a fixed time to go from the full power release point to the ding line, something that doesn't happen when your irons, driver, wedges and putter all have different speeds.  Let's assume someone uses such a thing only for their irons, it still only works if they always use the same amount of power for every shot, you can't hit anything less than full because the software will miss the ding.

    The great players here hit amazing scores because they're amazingly good at this game.  Have you ever watched any of the videos posted on YouTube by some of them?   Fairway, green in regulation and 1 putt is the norm.  You can see their screen the whole time so there's no chance any of them are using cheat software.

    Personally I'd feel more confident going on a quest to find the Holy Grail that one to find a cheat program that will magically allow you to birdie every hole.

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 11:42 PM


    Why do RG's and CC's count towards these 100 rounds to qualify for the Tour Legend  tier ???   It should be 100 "ranked" rounds....end of story, not a bunch of low wind Ready Go or Country Club tourneys.

    Why does WGT keep spoon feeding the guys with these super low averages ??

    It's because they cant play to their averages if they play play under full conditions.....

    Hahaha.....What a joke !!

    Just saying...........I personally will endeavour to get to the Tour legend tier by playing each and every course the right way, I wont be taking any soft options.


    I've read many really silly things in these forums but somehow, every time I think it can't get any worse.............

  • upinsmoketour
    342 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 12:23 AM

    Well said mainzman these guys are just that good hard for some to believe i know but calling players CHEATS is just out of order. When i first started this game i was lucky to par most holes now ive been here a while my best 9 is a 27 & best 18 is a 56 does that make me a cheat as im just an avg legend no were near these top players ? No it doesn,t it just means at this point in time these guys are better players not CHEATS just better. But ill keep plugging away & hopefully one day might be as consistant with my rounds as these guys. So to all the players with a great avg don,t let the haters get you down as the only people who *** & moan & blab on about CHEAT PROGRAMS are just frustrated that they ain,t as good as they think. I,ve been here a few years now & from day one heard all about these cheat programs but guess what NOT ONE PLAYER CAN SHOW ME ANY PROOF ABOUT ALL THESE CHEATS & the answer to that is simple THERE IS NO CHEATS JUST REAL GOOD PLAYERS WHO HAVE MASTERED THE GAME .  smoke

  • upinsmoketour
    342 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 12:26 AM

    PS, forgot to say in my last post thx for the info GENORB !   smoke.

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 1:57 AM

    Thanks you all guys. Happy to help the community.


    So for the next 500 rounds, a Legend players average will continue to increase if the player can not shoot a low sub-30 round?

    Before the last update the legend average was computed using your best ever 400 ranked rounds (regular free tourneys, RG and CC tourneys). So if you hadn't play yet 400 rounds, your average was just your real average. Once you had played more than 400 rounds, the average was computed with your best 400 rounds.

    Now they have changed this with the inroduction of this Tour Legend tier. The average is computed with your best ever 500 rounds.

    However, they had a problem with players having played more than 400 rounds (or even more than 500 rounds). I guess you and I have played more than 500 rounds as legend (at least that's true for me, but I guess it's true for you too since you have 3500+ rounds in total).

    So they could have used our 500 best rounds to compute a new average and if this new average was below 60 we would be moved to Tour Legend tier overnight. But I suspect that they were keeping only the best 400 scores for each legend player in their data base. So they were unable to compute a new average with our 500 best rounds because they do not know what are our 500 best scores. So we need to play at least 100 additional rounds to feed their data base in order to compute an average based on 500 rounds and no longer on 400 rounds. That's my guess why we need to play those 100 rounds.


    Once a Legend player has passed the 500 ranked round threshold, will that players average start to decrease to the needed sub-60 level, thus becoming a Tour Legend player?

    Once a legend have played 500 rounds, his average will no longer increase but only decrease, whatever the scores posted, like before the update where it was 400 rounds. Once 500 rounds have been played, as soon as your average is equal or below 60, you move to Tour Legend.

    For those who have already played 400+ rounds before the update, their average will no longer increase once they will have played 100 additional rounds after the update. Once you have played those 100 additional rounds, as soon as your average is equal or below 60, you move to Tour Legend.

    I hope I was clear enough.


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 2:35 AM

    thx to all .. but i still believe there's room for interpretation ..

    i understand that previously one had to play 400 ranked rounds @ L before your avg stabilizes .. now it requires an extra 100 rounds, for the reasons mentioned, to stabilize ..

    but .. i haven't yet seen / read / come across anything definitive that indicates that this means that this would ALSO be the minimum required rounds needed to qualify for TL .. JUST the minimum amount of rounds (500) for ur AVG to stabilize ..

    thats why it makes sense to me that if it takes minimum of 50 ranked rounds @ TM to make L, it now takes 100 ranked rounds, minimum, to make TL ... & that the 500 rounds are only indicative of what is needed for ur avg to stabilize, and not necessarily the amount needed to qualify for TL .. unless i'm missing something ..

    on the other hand .. the very fact that it takes 50 ranked rounds @ TM for one's avg to stabilize & 400 (before update) @ L, might be an indication that it WILL take minimum of 500 ranked rounds to reach TL ... but i'm unclear as to which interpretation is the correct one  ..

  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 3:06 AM

    Good informative post, genorb.

    I too have kept the stats of rounds played - alas the one thing I am unclear of is when the new tour legend rounds kicked in, 1st or 2nd of August?

    Anyone confirm?

    Trying to determine what was my first round of the 100 required that's all.





    Edit: Sorted - was the 2nd of August. (stats confirm)

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 3:31 AM


    thx to all .. but i still believe there's room for interpretation ..

    i understand that previously one had to play 400 ranked rounds @ L before your avg stabilizes .. now it requires an extra 100 rounds, for the reasons mentioned, to stabilize ..

    but .. i haven't yet seen / read / come across anything definitive that indicates that this means that this would ALSO be the minimum required rounds needed to qualify for TL .. JUST the minimum amount of rounds (500) for ur AVG to stabilize ..

    For all tiers, namely from hack to Tour Master included, you can only be promoted once your average is stabilized (i.e. when it does no longer increase). For example when you are Tour Master, your average stops to increase once you have played 50 rounds. That's also the minimal number of rounds required to be promoted legends.

    Here they use the same pattern, which is quite logical. For legends, your average will stabilize after 500 rounds and that's also the minimal number of rounds required to be promoted.

    I know it's not written anywhere, it will never be written anywhere. For example, the 50 rounds rule for Tour Master is not written anywhere in this website.

    In the spirit of this site, your average become a "real" average once it's stabilized. Before that, it's a "temporary" average which fluctuate up and down. You can only be promoted once you have a "real" average, namely when you have played enough rounds which depends on your tier.


  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 3:32 AM


    Let me share you mine, that applies also for the ones that don't keep track of the average, so the "A" don't confuse anyone 



    Gents, my theory is:

    your current average belong to best 400 ranked rounds.

    now those 400 best round are frozen. Example. 58av = (400x58)/400 

    and you will add 100 round to those frozen ranked rounds.

    every new round will be added to that amoun, good or bad.

     - lf you made a new score of 58: Av = ((400x58)+58)/401 = 58 (nothing changes)

     - If you made a new score of 57: Av = ((400x58)+57)/401 = 57.997 ~ 58 

     - If you made a new score of 52: Av = ((400x58)+57)/401 = 57.985 ~ 57.99

     - If you made a new score of 63: Av = ((400x58)+57)/401 = 58.012 ~ 58.01


    I have the scores and names of all the ranked round I made as legend, more than 1200, with all the stats, % averages, best 400 rounds... etc.

    So up to now, my theory is correct. but I need to make some more rounds to double check. :)



    Thanks JV.