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Cheats, what are we going to do about it?

Thu, Aug 30 2012 4:05 AM (36 replies)
  • kickingyourass
    33 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 4:22 PM

    I just played a pro with a 99.80 average and to no surprise he beat me 2 up. I knew he was suspect because he wanted to join a challenge game and play for 350 credits. There were not many people around so I decided to give it a go. That's the least of my problems. I thought nothing of it at the time because he came across as just another cheat on here who is getting away it. When I logged in again after a few hours I decided to go and look up his stats......he played 4 games on the same day.......a 58 and a 31 in ready to go tournies and then a 87 and 85 in 2 scored many other pros can beat that. He is on level 65 with all the best equipment. WGT, is it too hard to do something or is he helping grow your revenue. I think it's about time us members start a blog, on another site, to expose these people. You certainly can't do it on here I see.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 4:35 PM


    if you suspect someone is breaking the rules, please email us their name at and we will look into it.

    calling out people on forums or anywhere else is not allowed.


  • Steve442
    710 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 4:36 PM

    The 87 and 85 were both for 9 holes!!!!!

  • ichiang
    16 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 5:08 PM

    More like you saw a player with a very weak average and thought easy credits for you. Then you lose and cry.

    "There were not many people around so I decided to give it a go."

    Translated, hmmm an easy 350 for me.

  • kickingyourass
    33 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 5:09 PM

    I will email you the name immediately. Looking forward to hear the outcome. Thank you.

  • kickingyourass
    33 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 5:11 PM

    They were both for 9 holes.Can you believe that Steve?.....makes you laugh doesn't it.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 5:35 PM


    .a 58 and a 31 in ready to go tournies 

    not too bad i suppose


  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 5:38 PM


    ranted about obviously being ripped off

    So sorry, no cheating, least of all a "rule breaking" occurred in this case.

    Its all working as designed, intended and condoned.

    The only violation  here is daring to call the player out by name, as Icon has pointed out.

    Better luck next time.

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 5:42 PM


    you mean hes not cheating with a 85 and 81 in 9

    sandbagging fkr.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 5:54 PM

    When are you all going to stop highlighting these bottom feeders. They are scum, low lifes, bottom of the barrel, lower than snake bellies, wet spots on the sheets, the stuff that septic tank people make a living off of. Enough all ready. They know they suck, stop giving them attention. And yes we should be able to call them out. One of the rules on WGT that I do not agree with. When it is so blatant, it needs to be addressed.