I'm sure we would all be amazed, if we really knew who these people are. Some of the top players on WGT I would say. I think they are just jacking around and causing a stir. And you all are feeding their pathetic egos. Nobody, and I mean nobody, comes out with a first round under 30. These jokers have this game down to a science and do this to piss people off. The worst part of it is, WGT knows who they are. They have all their info, the ips, the whole nine yards.
Once again, I must state that this (leveling fast for good gear, keeping average high and keeping tier low) is NOT against any rule of WGT's. This is how they make money. They set it up like this ON PURPOSE, it's not an accident.
They only sell an honest player a few sets of clubs throughout their career here, then it's only balls and cut of RG,and Challenges. However they sell much more gear to restarter/multiaccounters whilst still selling balls and taking a cut from RG and bets. Also they sell to Sonic, live gamer, peanut etc. based on number of accounts, thus the more "accounts" as opposed to users, the merrier. Get it?
Does anyone really believe there are 4.5 million users here? More like 50k actual unique users at the very most.
It is this way, because they want it this way and they make money this way.