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Cheats, what are we going to do about it?

Thu, Aug 30 2012 4:05 AM (36 replies)
  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 8:44 PM

    whale droppings?

    thats a good one


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 9:02 PM


    whale droppings?

    i've never seen whale poo but realistically i'm guessing by the size of whales they'll be more like boulders than droppings.

    speaking of whales....interesting and true fact......a blue whale's doodaa averages between 8 - 10ft long and has the largest wedding tackle of any species.

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 9:27 PM

    Back to the

    Here is my "personal opinion".

    If you are a Tour Master, Legend, or Tour Legend you are among the top players in the game.  You have obviously played well enough to get to that "status" and should not have fear stricken into your game because a sandbagger comes along.  

    Personally, I play just about anyone that has "game" and consider it a challenge.  If I win, I win.  If I lose, I lose.  Who cares, at least you can say you have the courage to play someone who is sandbagging or whatever you call it.  As for the ready go's, play tier specific tournaments or play when you are in "A Game".  

    The reality is this, WGT could care less if there is a level 900 Hack or a level 70 Tour Legend because the pennies are exchanging hands and the profit potential is there.  Nothing is going to change that...  

    TM's, and Legends need to show that they are not intimidated by these "cheaters" and show them why you are called the best.  They stand in line to b!tch about you shooting sub 55's.  Play that well in MP or RG's and shut them up. 

    Once again, this is my opinion.



    2 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 12:58 AM

    It should be allowed!


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 11:34 AM


    It is this way, because they want it this way and they make money this way.


    ...and they have their right to do that. What annoys me is that they (WGT) pretend it is accidental and actually encourage people to report those who follow the marked trail that WGT have set up.

  • 7thwave
    556 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 12:20 PM


    When are you all going to stop highlighting these bottom feeders. They are scum, low lifes, bottom of the barrel, lower than snake bellies, wet spots on the sheets, the stuff that septic tank people make a living off of. Enough all ready. They know they suck, stop giving them attention. And yes we should be able to call them out. One of the rules on WGT that I do not agree with. When it is so blatant, it needs to be addressed.



    if you suspect someone is breaking the rules, please email us their name at and we will look into it.

    calling out people on forums or anywhere else is not allowed.


    BS in my book...if anyone decides to publish a shamelist on the net i can't see WGT doing anything about it. But hé, i'm no lawyer.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 12:20 PM

    LOL, the op dumps out of the game lobby so fast when facing a real challenge, then comes into the forums to cry? Kickingyourass? JB

  • kickingyourass
    33 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 9:30 PM


    LOL, the op dumps out of the game lobby so fast when facing a real challenge, then comes into the forums to cry? Kickingyourass? JB

    Read the post carefully before adding your 2 cents.


  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 10:10 PM



    if you suspect someone is breaking the rules, please email us their name at and we will look into it.

    calling out people on forums or anywhere else is not allowed.


    or anywhere else?   what are you, God?

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 7:57 AM

    I read it several times, just wondering why a TM is even entertaining the thought of playing a PRO for creds. 99 ave. did'nt throw up a red flag when 350 popped on the screen? Simply put you were looking for some "fish" to snag some creds and you hooked a great white instead.  No worries, it happens mate. The guy you are speaking of is simply working the system WGT has implemented, is he cheating? NO, is he a dirtbag? No doubt about it. JB