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Cheats, what are we going to do about it?

Thu, Aug 30 2012 4:05 AM (36 replies)
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 6:28 PM


    the 8888 person there went from level 1 to level 66 in 24 hours.....and that was 6 weeks ago......maybe his passion for the game just ain't there anymore.

    good scoring for a new player huh? 1st round was a 28 and has never scored higher than 31 woohoo.

    i wonder what his other account(s)  is/are

    these pratts are the bottom feeders that blight this game for all the other honest new starters.

    what i find funny is that these lower level tier comps are getting much harder nowadays because everyone under the sun appears to be starting other accounts so the competition amongst them now is far greater.


  • riskplayer
    253 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 6:43 PM

    I wonder why the o.p. was playing this person in the first place. Try to win some easy credits and whine "cheater" when you lose.

  • boroJohnny
    65 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 6:45 PM

    well WGT are you reading this

  • boroJohnny
    65 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 6:47 PM



    the 8888 person there went from level 1 to level 66 in 24 hours.....and that was 6 weeks ago......maybe his passion for the game just ain't there anymore.

    good scoring for a new player huh? 1st round was a 28 and has never scored higher than 31 woohoo.

    i wonder what his other account(s)  is/are

    these pratts are the bottom feeders that blight this game for all the other honest new starters.

    what i find funny is that these lower level tier comps are getting much harder nowadays because everyone under the sun appears to be starting other accounts so the competition amongst them now is far greater.


    It  seems they are not!!!!!!


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 6:53 PM



    if you suspect someone is breaking the rules, please email us their name at and we will look into it.

    calling out people on forums or anywhere else is not allowed.


    I don't think I have seen WGT saying that sand bagging is against the rules, so why do you bother to ask people to send reports? You could easily have said "being at a low tier while having a high level is not against the rules".

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 7:32 PM

    I'm sure we would all be amazed, if we really knew who these people are. Some of the top players on WGT I would say. I think they are just jacking around and causing a stir. And you all are feeding their pathetic egos. Nobody, and I mean nobody, comes out with a first round under 30. These jokers have this game down to a science and do this to piss people off. The worst part of it is, WGT knows who they are. They have all their info, the ips, the whole nine yards.

  • kickingyourass
    33 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 7:43 PM

    I don't mind playing a pro with a 99 average, but when I'm using credits, give him the same tees and I'll be happy. I'm waiting in anticipation to read WGT response on the matter.....I'm starting to see why I took a 6 month leave of absence from this site.


  • kickingyourass
    33 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 7:56 PM


    I wonder why the o.p. was playing this person in the first place. Try to win some easy credits and whine "cheater" when you lose.

    What is your definition of "easy credits"? If you read the post properly, I did not care that a lost, it's players entering "ready to go" tournaments with levels much lower than their skill level, that is my concern.



  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Sat, Aug 25 2012 8:43 PM


    I'm sure we would all be amazed, if we really knew who these people are. Some of the top players on WGT I would say. I think they are just jacking around and causing a stir. And you all are feeding their pathetic egos. Nobody, and I mean nobody, comes out with a first round under 30. These jokers have this game down to a science and do this to piss people off. The worst part of it is, WGT knows who they are. They have all their info, the ips, the whole nine yards.


    Once again, I must state that this (leveling fast for good gear, keeping average high and keeping tier low) is NOT against any rule of  WGT's. This is how they make money. They set it up like this ON PURPOSE, it's not an accident.

    They only sell an honest player a few sets of clubs throughout their career here, then it's only balls and cut of RG,and Challenges. However they sell much more gear to restarter/multiaccounters whilst still selling balls and taking a cut from RG and bets. Also they sell to Sonic, live gamer, peanut etc. based on number of accounts, thus the more "accounts"  as opposed to users, the merrier. Get it?

    Does anyone really believe there are 4.5 million users here? More like 50k actual unique users at the very most.

    It is this way, because they want it this way and they make money this way.