I believe Icon when he says it was not entirely WGT's decision. Livegamer videos are advertising, just like any other advertising. Two different scenarios could lead to what happened today and neither one involves a bigger cut for WGT.
One, Livegamer was not getting any click-throughs since too many of us were just viewing for credits and not even remotely interested in buying any of the products. They determined that the program was not benefitting the advertisers to the amount that they were paying for it. If that is the case don't expect the requirement to ever be reduced again.
Second, they were paying out so many views and credits that they decided to test the waters and see what level of compensation the market would bear. If the views stop they might decide to lower the requirement again.
Either way the end result is that Livegamer has decided to cut back what they are willing to pay WGT for the program. Our ability to play this game suffers as a result.
WGT did an incredibly poor job of communicating with their customers, which is exactly what WGT does. As a courtesy they should have negotiated with Livegamer to suspend all new videos for a couple days and instructed the customer to cash out what they had as "the program is being adjusted."
So, it is what it is. Now each consumer here has to decide whether it is worth the effort and how much to curtail their play. Looks like I'll be sticking almost exclusively to one CTTH game a day to stretch the golf ball usage. At least until some other means of earning credits is put into motion.