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MAX balls

Sun, Sep 14 2014 5:30 PM (199 replies)
  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 5:34 PM

    Ok so saw there was a thread called Max balls and wanted to see what players were saying about them . . . didn't expect to tune into WW3 lol.

    My view on the ball is yes . . . they are expensive and don't last long . . . but they've improved my game and enjoyment on this site no end.

    I'm hooked on them thanks WGT . . . and sorry bank manager . .

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 6:17 PM


    Well, I had 35 years in as an engineer when I retired.  That included a lot of software and system design.  I was director of engineering for two companies and vice-president of engineering for a third.  I actually have a patent for one of my machines.  

    Further, I have made a study and some measurements on the swing meter.  I know precisely what I'm talking about.  


    Then help WGT fix it. Dont talk about it be about it lol. And I have to assume since your so smart and all that your meter is superbly smooth eh ?

  • opyeuclid
    6,708 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 7:09 PM

    Can I have the crust cut off of my PB&J  Please ?

    Thank you .

    My name is OPY and I am a forum troll .


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 7:24 PM

    Actually, my meter is very smooth about 90% of the time.  It is impossible with the "bad" version of Flash that was extant for a while.

    On my system (Windows 7 64-bit Pro), with my clubs and balls, screen size, resolution, and the size of window I use, it still has to lay down a dozen or so pixels (longitudinally) per time slice.  I set my window to about 1288 by 915 pixels out of a total screen resolution of 1920 by 1080.  I never play it full screen.  The smaller the window, the smoother the meter.

    On my system, the basic time slice is about 32 milliseconds.  As I have mentioned previously, there are some things a system-level programmer can do to get more attention from the system at critical times, at the expense of giving up time when one has no immediate use for it, or at the expense of causing increased power consumption at the cpu.

    I have no way of knowing how WGT is actually programming this section of the code.  I do know that they're working from a browser through Flash.  I, personally, would not have done it in that way.

    I do know that the meter operation is on the local machine.  One can prove that by setting up a shot, unplugging the modem cable, and taking the shot.  The meter will run right up until the ding is hit (or missed) and then wait for information from the servers.  Plug the cable back in, off she goes, plotting the trajectory and pulling up the next scene.

    This local operation CAN be influenced by connection issues if multiple threads are running at the same time (such as pre-fetching graphics or contour information in the background).  It can also be influenced by other applications that are running simultaneously, particularly if they are using a lot of cpu cycles.

    What I do is make sure that no other applications are running.  I also make sure that no system services are running that want to use the cpu (auto defrag, file cleanup, file indexing, stuff like that).  I have also turned off auto updates for both Chrome and Flash.  As a matter of fact, NO updates run automatically on my machine, not even Windows updates.  I do that manually on Tuesdays every week or two.

    My options are set for no background loading, Flash at High (not Best).  I allow Flash to store up to 1Mb.  My browser clears cache every time it shuts down (but not cookies).

    I have personally (and purposefully) set up my system for performance, not looks, although I do allow Aero.  

    At least once a day I check the Task Manager to see what might be running.  Chrome runs at least one thread, plus an additional thread for each tab.  It tends to accumulate threads, sometimes not shutting them down even when tabs are closed.  I shut it down when I'm not using it, so those go away.

    I have a smooth user experience with WGT.  That doesn't mean I like everything they do, or the bugs that are extant, or some of their algorithms.  I don't.  Currently the game offers me more enjoyment than it causes me grief.  I'll continue to play it so long as that is the case, and it offers challenges in improvement.  Currently I REALLY need to learn to putt better.  I'm suffering from "new legend shock."

  • opyeuclid
    6,708 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 7:31 PM

    Side note *

    I have been geting all the vid,s for credits , And hit on several " ask me what you think " for credits . the beer one pays off 2 times a month ,  sweet caddie # 3.

    I got the 600 balls .  That is the first sleve of ball,s from the Pro shop that I never lost one . Bang Zoom on the meter .They might be for the " old " players " ,  So what !



     I didnt do any " test,s . I was just enjoying the Game . It,s not about who has the Biggest putter or the most replys ( pb&j ) that makes this game what is is .

    I am sitting on  $ of free credits from WGT ,,  Thank you .

    So ,,  as it is ,

     I am  OPY the forum troll ,  I will be looking for that " good " person in the forums and gift them a 600 Xball sleeve

    Sorry for hijacking this thread ,

    But is is time we bring back what this Game was !  

    Tell me why you thank WGT and why you should get this prize !


  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 7:37 PM

    On my system (Windows 7 64-bit Pro), with my clubs and balls, screen size, resolution, and the size of window I use, it still has to lay down a dozen or so pixels (longitudinally) per time slice.  I set my window to about 1288 by 915 pixels out of a total screen resolution of 1920 by 1080.  I never play it full screen.  The smaller the window, the smoother the meter.

    Exactly that is what I was trying to explain to someone in laymans terms. I know back in the day when the first person shoot em games were getting popular and EA TW series people would complain about choppy graphics. Of course you lose some scenery when changing your resolution down from its max but I would rather have excellent gameplay first and everything else is secondary to me.

    I have my system set up very similar to what you are doing (guess thats the techie in us) But its like I tell my kids when I coach  "I would rather look bad and win then look good and lose".

    What I cant understand is why on Earth WGT allows next screen rendering in their option menu in the game interface. That alone causes multitudes of skippy meters. That is the first option I turn off after I clean my cache and have to redo my settings.

    What irks me is people come in here complain about their gameplay and meter and such and don't even bother to try to adjust anything on their end to optimize their computing experience. Even if your not a tech or gamer everyone should do google searches on how to optimize their particular setup to get the best performance possible.

    Bubba I wasn't questioning your experience I just didn't feel like someone should call another persons opinion or thoughts or whatever  nonsense, to them it makes sense :)

    I just made TM and I am in no rush to Legend status even with a smooth meter lol. This is the first advancement that I was actually prepared for since playing this game. I know going from TP to Master was shocking and very frustrating to say the least . I guess going from TM to Legend is worst?

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 7:39 PM

    Oh and about those MAX balls...Save your dough unless your reflexes are so bad that you need them .

  • opyeuclid
    6,708 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 7:55 PM

    Save your dough unless your reflexes are so bad that you need them .

    No Prize For You Sir . 


  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 8:09 PM


    Save your dough unless your reflexes are so bad that you need them .

    No Prize For You Sir . 



    I dont expect and dont accept anything for free I am a giver TY.

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 9:13 PM

    I deserve the balls opy because I dont complain or whine. My name is Lonnie and I am a silent forum troll.