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Update on Disconnect % - 9/6/12

rated by 0 users
Sun, Nov 4 2012 5:15 AM (116 replies)
  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 6:45 AM


    What I would like to know that's been happening to me is, how in the hell you can completely finish a game with NO disconnects and after the game is over you either get the green problem with the game error please exit and restart and get the you forfeited notice OR just get the plain old either you or your partner forfeited when you open up the game screen the next time. All without a single damn person quitting or disconnecting....Happened to me yesterday at least 5 times all in multi player games. All this coupled with an unbelievable  increased amount of disconnects and game errors over the past week. There is more weird crap happening in this game right now so no wonder everyone is getting fired up. 

    Don't give me the standard clear browser and cache, update flash, roll back flash or try another browser crap answer mine work fine. This game worked better, not perfect mind you but better, before your programmers added all this new stuff.


  • golfinut2
    66 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 6:59 AM

    Agree whole heartedly with you OBR. Here is an email I sent WGT 3 days ago, and still haven't received a reply, LOL.

    Was just in a game with another WGT member who was disconnected due to storms in his area. When I was taken back to the game page I had to sit and wait to see if he was going to reconnect. His time ran out and I was taken back into the game and automatically got a 2 stroke penalty for some reason. Then when I clicked menu to end the game it only gave me the option to forfeit the game, nothing else. It would be nice if your IT geniuses would set this stuff up right before releasing this junk on an unsuspecting group of dedicated members. I had to finish the game or otherwise be penalized on the stupid %'s you set up to show each time we enter a game. Get this stuff right or trash the whole thing and start over with people who are a little more dedicated to making an effort to put forth a solid product instead of loading all this trash, ie, the uneven lie garbage, along with the $6 balls, you just released. Your group of moron's have just about touched my last nerve, so get it right or shove the whole thing in your tunnels.

    1,141 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 7:24 AM

    well.. my 2 cents time

    i think its working great !! ...,.. mabey the ALT shot needs tweekin... but i can see whats gunna happen NXT...

    now all the quitter's and ones with crappy internet connections will start playing ALT the % wont show....

    then POOF... a whole new slew of tick'd of ppl bloggin... 

    why i say its workin great... seams now.. when i join or create ..ONLY those that KNOW FOR A FACT they have a good connection seam to be joining...

    mine went to 100% after 3 rounds,,, and now have had more ppl finish rounds than i EVER had !!!   HEK I even wish a couple WOULD quit !! ...LMAO

    i agree with what was wrote that.... MOST tru quitter's are ALSO lier's ,,,just check there stats... its EZ to tell ... if ya know what yer lookin for... like one here i seen.. 

    there will be a (quizzz )  on that one later ... :)

     TO bad they can't leave the % in ALT ... but i have a REGular p that i can count on anyway... and QUITTER's don't effect my life one bit....

    peace.... 100%


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 7:56 AM

    All these cases of finishing a game yet still says you forfeited, or opponent forfeited is the same old same old problem here.  When ever WGT introduces something new it causes a problem some where else, It happened with the back spin bug, when they introduced matchplay stats all of a sudden there was a bug "not enough credits to play" which wasn't there before, then they bring in % and all of a sudden instead of saying you win the match it says opponent forfeited.  These seems to be a recurring theme, which is understandable because they are constantly adding new things to a program which was made years ago, so just be patient because they always seem to fix it.........eventually.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 8:13 AM


    well.. my 2 cents time

    i think its working great !! ...,.. mabey the ALT shot needs tweekin... but i can see whats gunna happen NXT...

    now all the quitter's and ones with crappy internet connections will start playing ALT the % wont show....

    then POOF... a whole new slew of tick'd of ppl bloggin... 

    why i say its workin great... seams now.. when i join or create ..ONLY those that KNOW FOR A FACT they have a good connection seam to be joining...

    mine went to 100% after 3 rounds,,, and now have had more ppl finish rounds than i EVER had !!!   HEK I even wish a couple WOULD quit !! ...LMAO

    i agree with what was wrote that.... MOST tru quitter's are ALSO lier's ,,,just check there stats... its EZ to tell ... if ya know what yer lookin for... like one here i seen.. 

    there will be a (quizzz )  on that one later ... :)

     TO bad they can't leave the % in ALT ... but i have a REGular p that i can count on anyway... and QUITTER's don't effect my life one bit....

    peace.... 100%


    BS... I have a 50mbps high speed cable hard wired connection that works flawless and a computer that is maintained & optimized to the max and I run into the problems countless others are having with this game right now. So don't try to tell us, the ones that are encountering these WGT glitches, that the system works great and it is our systems. Granted there are quitters and they are a PIA, I encounter them just like all the rest but from my stand point as well as a heap of others the system isn't working great right now. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 8:58 AM

    So don't try to tell us, the ones that are encountering these WGT glitches, that the system works great and it is our systems.

    Why, then, are there players that have zero problems? I don't have 1/2 the system many here have, just your basic 4 year old laptop, and I don't experience any of what goes on here. A lot of the time I have to create the situation to understand what players are going through so to help them. Invariably, it comes down to the machine or the setup.

    ISP inconsistency is turning out to be the biggest butt ache around and probably causing the majority of connection issues.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 9:33 AM

    When my kids have taken over my "top spec" PC, i'm forced to use their  PC just to have a game, and i must be shaking my head at all these issues people seem to be having when i'm using a basic dual core, 1 gig RAM, no graphics card, or anything like Gamebooster, yet i can play this game perfectly 98% of the time (the other 2% is when either internet is busy or my damn McAffe did a sly search for updates) and i dont think my internet is faster than 6.8mbs either.  Either players are "lying" about their super duper fast internet speed, or they have background programs running/updating without them knowing because if i can play a decent smooth round with the worst PC i bet anyone is using then i'm sure the better specs players should'nt have a single thing to worry about.  But blaming WGT is wrong, i've learnt that myself.  BROWSER or Internet/servers/traffic are the only reasons, or your own PC up to no good behind your back.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 9:58 AM


    So don't try to tell us, the ones that are encountering these WGT glitches, that the system works great and it is our systems.

    Why, then, are there players that have zero problems? I don't have 1/2 the system many here have, just your basic 4 year old laptop, and I don't experience any of what goes on here. A lot of the time I have to create the situation to understand what players are going through so to help them. Invariably, it comes down to the machine or the setup.

    ISP inconsistency is turning out to be the biggest butt ache around and probably causing the majority of connection issues.

    Ok tell me ...Why then did I and a lot of others have hardly any problems until the recent changes?...

    Recently It's a matter of programming and code errors on wgt's part or haven't you been reading Icons the engineers are working on it statements. My game worked great until Last Friday since then it has been a nighmare and guess what MY SYSTEM WORKS GREAT WITH NO INTERNAL OR INTERNET PROBLEMS.

    There is nothing wrong with my ISP, I know I have checked and rechecked it.. Just because a few aren't having problems mean the vast majority that are are full of it and whining for blaming wgt. Granted there are those that have faulty internets and their machines not correctly optimized but to make a blanket statement that anyone who does has machine, setup or ISP related problem is a load of crap. Just because yours works fine right now for this game consider yourself one of the luckyones.

  • Slambango
    33 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 9:58 AM


    Hi everyone,

    As we continue to evaluate this feature and listen to your feedback, sometime in early October, we will remove this feature from the Alternate Shot games. This should help with partner disconnections % calculations. 

    Thank you for your candid feedback.


    It's useful in alt shot games too. 80% or below is a red flag. Keep it.

  • sardono
    114 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 9:59 AM


    So don't try to tell us, the ones that are encountering these WGT glitches, that the system works great and it is our systems.

    Why, then, are there players that have zero problems? I don't have 1/2 the system many here have, just your basic 4 year old laptop, and I don't experience any of what goes on here. A lot of the time I have to create the situation to understand what players are going through so to help them. Invariably, it comes down to the machine or the setup.

    ISP inconsistency is turning out to be the biggest butt ache around and probably causing the majority of connection issues.

    I am one of the gifted few without these connection / ISP / hardware problems.

    True I know a bit about systems as I still build my own desktop systems, and still play on the desktop the most but also play on a hdx1160us HP laptop wirelessly with a wireless mouse without any problems. I'm using Mathon3 on the desktop and comodo dragon on the laptop. Both are this game only dedicated browsers.

    I have not had 1 problem since this was implemented. I still play only with my friends or friends of friends. So I don't get to experience the pleasure of the lobby, or the quitting. When we are short a player, and we decide to go to the lobby, we call it playing lotto. The chances of us finishing are the same as winning the lottery. 

    Even more than that I want to know if you do have problems!

    I don't care the reason you cannot finish, just that you don't. 

    Don't care if it's on purpose or ISP / hardware / software related.

    Take away the % and you are just begging for the quitters to get the flawed system back so they can play it. Just like they did before.

    If you are having problems with your connection, call your ISP and have them fix it. If your having hardware / software problems. Take it to a geek and have them fix it.

    I am soooooooooooo tired of all the whiner's on here, it's not my fault, YES it is.

    Fix  your problems, don't use me as a lottery entrant to your lotto problems. If your a quitter, good then the system works just like it's supposed to and tells me so. 

    Edit: I was just informed, that there is a bug in ALT Shot ... but I have not been affected. humm just lucky I guess.