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HI , My name is Opy , and I am a Forum Troll

Thu, Oct 9 2014 6:11 PM (195 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 6:36 PM

    Good day .

     My name is OPY and I am a Reformed forum troll .

    I searched for a " Reformed forum troll " and found Nothing .

    Maby some of the true forum troll,s  will say there is no thing as that .

    Could it be that there is a thing called " A good Forum Troll " and I am searching for the reply that I will not get ?

    OPY    iaaRft


    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 8:40 PM

    A good Forum Troll


    Thats an oxymoron simply by definition of 'troll'.

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 10:09 AM

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 11:42 PM

    Idk, about trolls or Opy's or whatever. I just know that huge blocks of skewed political rhetoric give me a headache.

    By the by, he won the poplular vote, not by much but won it none the less.

    just sayin

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Wed, Nov 7 2012 8:43 AM


    What an addition you have been to the forum Q!  Always good for a smile, chuckle or laugh.  You're good for what ails us all.  And we're going to need you to step it up a bit now that we have 4 more years of Ob ........

    Hello dear friend.  Thank you for your first lines on your post.  I truly enjoy this site; the game and the forums as well, and if I can throw some good humor I'll be happy.  Now, this thread was not about the Romney-Obama election, was more about Opy's personal election to become a reformed forum troll, but any way, I will make a swift comment on your country's last night decision :

    One sole President does not make a country !  Don't expect all goodness or all evil to be one sole person's responsibility.  A nation is built through history and I think that the American people have always given great examples of freedom, social order and patriotism.  Today, the whole world is suffering times of economical despair and confusion, but our higher hopes will always prevail.

    I am from Costa Rica, true friends with the US, and also my children are US citizens because of their mother, so my most sincere thoughts to you my friend as to every american citizen is this :

    Be thankful for being born in a country where most human rights and freedoms are respected and exercised by everyone.  And despite one likes or not the final outcome, you and any US citizen can surely feel very proud today, because of your great display of patriotism, respect and order through another democratic process of presidential election.  God Bless the people of USA and God Bless us all as well ;)  Cheers my friend !

  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Wed, Nov 7 2012 9:57 AM

    Good day to all .

    I think that this thread should not be just about OPY and his choice of reformed trolling .

    It should be open to almost all who has something to say and need a place to say it .

    The only thing I do NOT want to see here is players who want  to bring the game down with stuff like the game is fixed / rigged / out to get me / Or I didnt get free credits ,  There are other threads for that kind of stuff .

    Thank you .

    OPY  iaaRft

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Nov 7 2012 10:40 AM

    Hey folks,

    This has been a mostly friendly thread so far, so I will be nice. As a reminder, there is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on these forums about any discussions on politics.

    I will keep the above comments to maintain integrity, but be warned that if a political discussion continues I may need to edit the posts or lock the thread entirely.

    Let's get back to the original topic :)


    Stay classy,
