pjctas0822:.All an attempt to get more revenue.
Have you thought that maybe the company that sponsors the views demanded a drop in cost to limit their advertising cost?
Then in turn, WGT's income would decrease and would be felt next by those using the views for credits.
Yes I have given that thought MB but it is not likely since some get more views than others. It is so sporatic and unfair, so that is not the case. But I guess that would be looking at the lighter side of things :)
On top of that, and that is the case, then WGT should allow the payout system to revert back so that people after spenidng 100's of dollars can at least buy 2 sleeves of balls a month at the premium level. Looks like those WGT S/D balls i have saved up will be needed because I am not one of those people that will continue to pump money into a game that has been paid for 10 times over ya know what I mean ?
I am sure someone will say IRL you have to buy balls , gloves etc etc but this is not real life. Its a game and one should not have to pump more and more to play .
Now if the video and credit payouts were the same for everyone (especially the amount of views one can get) was fairly distributed then I would not have a problem with it. It doesnt make sense why everyone doesn't have the same opportunities as others as far as that goes.